Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tasty Tuesday: Drunk Peaches
Since I was little, when we grilled out my Mom would often make something called “drunk peaches” for dessert.
Combined with a couple recipes I found, I’ve refined the recipe. It’s perfect for late summer grilling.
Drunk Peaches
3 or 4 fresh peaches
1/3 cup brown sugar
fresh grated nutmeg
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp dark rum or bourbon (depending upon your mood)
Vanilla ice cream
Fill a pot with enough water to cover the peaches. Bring the water to a boil.
While the watering is heating, wash the peaches, and then make an “X” in the skin on the bottom of the peach.
Butter a grill safe pan large enough to hold the peaches. You can use a disposable pan if you like. I use an old bread pan.
Place the peaches in the boiling water for one minute.
After one minute remove the peach from the boiling water and drop it into ice water.
Starting at the “X” you made, peel the peaches. The skin should come right off, although you can use a knife if you prefer.
Cut completely around the peach, then twist slightly along the axis–the peach should come apart in two pieces. Remove the pit.
Place the peaches into the greased pan.
Place butter slices atop the peaches. Sprinkle with brown sugar. Grate nutmeg over the brown sugar. Pour bourbon/rum over the peaches.
Cover entire pan with foil. When you remove dinner from the grill, place the pan of peaches on the grill over indirect heat.
Once dinner is over, the peaches should be finished. The peaches should be soft, and sitting in a fair amount of liquid.
Spoon the peaches into bowls.
Add a scoop or two of ice cream.
Pour the remaining liquid over the peaches and ice cream.