Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Bogdans in Baltimore
Just got an e-mail from my dad’s cousin, Anthony Bogdan, that his geneaology pages are back up and have been updated.
He has a very nice file with the history written out, not just names and dates, but a little something about that part of the family if he knows it. The bits on my great-grandparents are around page 39 (Adobe numbering, 31 document numbering)
Here is a bit that Anthony had sent us a couple of years ago on The Lithuanians in Baltimore, written by one of my grandmother’s brothers.
Anthony mentions the 50th wedding anniversary of my great-grandparents that was written up in the Baltimore Sun. I have a copy of the actual article, as well as pictures that I’ve scanned by never taken the time to add to my site. (Which reminds me, my dad gave me a picture of my grandfather and his siblings, taken during WWII, that I am supposed to scan and give back, but have not yet done so. Slacker.)