Random (but not really)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Flower Pr0n

Most of my garden is filled with perennials, which is nice because it means minimal work for me, aside from keeping the beds clean. However, the deck was sorely in need to some type of color, so (don’t tell Grandmom) I spent a ridiculous amount of money yesterday, and with the excluding on a mature foxglove (to replace the one that never took) everything I purchased was an annual. So now the flower boxes look nice, and we’ve got color on the porch, and flowers Grandmom can see.

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I love Gerbera daisies. Although they can be moved inside during the winter, in our house they tend to become kitty salad bar, and don’t survive.

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For some reason I’ve never gotten petunias before. But they’ve got nice color and manage well in the heat, so we’ll see how these do this year.

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Fuchsia are another plant I’ve not gotten in the past, but they flower heavily, and they are part shade, so I picked one up this year. I liked the pale colors, as opposed to the usual hot pinks.

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African daisies. These are interspersed with calibrachoa in the hopes that someone will look good in this box for most of the summer.

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