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Wednesday, June 13, 2012
After a large amount of badgering by me, Michael went to the doctor today for a preventive-type check-up, and to ask for a referral for a dermatologist. (He burns easily, but spent his childhood out in the sun.)
I was feeling slightly guilty about it, which then started a cycle of recrimination, that wandered off into the things he likes to do that he doesn’t do because I’ve not been in a mental state to do so.
Then I realized, “Hey, he can go to the movies BY HIMSELF. He just chooses NOT to!” Which dovetailed in with the whole doctor’s appointment thing and then it suddenly became clear! INERTIA! Objects at rest tend to stay at rest! That describes Michael perfectly! He’s simply an object at rest!
As for me? Inertia there too: Objects in motion tend to stay in motion.
We perfectly offset each other!