For the curious, the BBC has a nice article on the history of papal conclaves.
I kinda like the bread and water rations idea.
ADDENDUM the First:
I take it back. Give them yummy food and comfy chairs and maybe they’d have thought about things a bit longer.
So the big news today is that the GOP is going to try and “bully” Senator Byrd out of his seat in the next election.
And then there’s the Ku Klux Klan. Critics rarely pass on a chance to recall Byrd’s 1940s ties to the hate group. One columnist recently referred to him as ”the Imperial Wizard of the U.S. Senate.” Hostile bloggers call him ”Sheets.”
So Byrd has publicly apologized for actions taken more than 60 years ago, and publicly stated how he realized he had made a mistake, yet the GOP is going to insist that is the standard we should use to judge his character, while Bush took illegal drugs, drove drunk, skipped out on his guard duty, and has refused to even acknowledge his mistakes no less apologize for them, but we are not supposed to judge him upon those actions taken in the past. “What I’m going to tell people is that 20-30 years ago I made mistakes.”
I don’t get it. We’re supposed to forgive and forget every single mistake the Bush has made, both in office and out, yet at the same time we are to be outraged by actions that Byrd took 60 years ago and has since then publicly renounced?
I don’t think so.
Listen to the Fresh Air interview with Senator Byrd.
How to destroy the Earth
Destroying the Earth is harder than you may have been led to believe.
You’ve seen the action movies where the bad guy threatens to destroy the Earth. You’ve heard people on the news claiming that the next nuclear war or cutting down rainforests or persisting in releasing hideous quantities of pollution into the atmosphere threatens to end the world.
The Earth was built to last. It is a 4,550,000,000-year-old, 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000-tonne ball of iron. It has taken more devastating asteroid hits in its lifetime than you’ve had hot dinners, and lo, it still orbits merrily. So my first piece of advice to you, dear would-be Earth-destroyer, is: do NOT think this will be easy.
Go there and read some more.
My Bleeding Hearts are blooming.
I moved them last year, but it didn’t seem to hurt them at all.
The ultra geeky: Binary translator. I may soon need this to talk to my husband.
I’ve been saying for years that
Microsoft Grammar check is pretty worthless.
(both via
Making Light)
And you really should read
this post from Michael Berube about his son.
In my rural elderly class today we received a list of
Warning Signs for Older Drivers. Not only do I recognize some of these in my dad, but I think Michael qualifies for a couple as well.
Easily distracted while driving (Find me a modern driver who isn’t distracted by kids or a cell phone or both.)
Increased agitation or irritation in driving (Increased? If I were to get any more agitated while stuck in traffic I’d probably have an instant stroke)
Failure to notice important activity on the side of the road (Look! A burning sofa!)
Driving at inappropriate speeds (Michael drives the speed limit on the beltway. That’s pretty inappropriate.)
Confusion at exits (I do this every time we go back to Cincinnati.)
Stopping in traffic for no apparent reason (This actually sounds kinda fun)
The thing that I noticed is that a some of these would depend upon where you are used to driving. I have decreased confidence when I’m driving on the beltway or in a big city, because I don’t do it often. Driving at inappropriate speeds is something everyone does when they’re driving to an unfamiliar place.
Seriously though, there are people that don’t belong on the road, and it’s up those friends and family members to notice the warning signs and tack action to keep our loved one and others safe.
Blues legend Johnny Johnson, who was born just up the road from here, has died.
For the past several years, Fairmont has had a Blues and Jazz festival in honor of Johnny Johnson.
Wow, it’s possible that there may be a worse paper than the Diminishing Pest.
However, the Diminishing Pest has had years to convince me how terrible it is. This is only a single story.
Not quite a fresh coat of paint, but similar.
I’ve redone the main page to the site. Enjoy the pastel goodness while you can, it certainly won’t last long.
Today’s news quiz was “Which senator holds the record for most votes cast?”
Robert C. Byrd
I’ve been writing documentation all week. Time for a short break.
Coming in from all over the place, apparently our legislators have decided to make English the official language of West Virginia.
As my friend Del (a WV native) said:
I hope this means the natives will finally learn to speak it.
Score one for the forces of jingoism!
ADDENDUM the First According to the Charleston Gazette, this language amendment won’t cause problems in the state. Well, no. We don’t have a lot of non-English speakers here. But that really isn’t the point of the bill, is it? The point of the bill isn’t to save money by not having to write alternative language versions of state publications.
What would make someone think that this would be a good idea?
Most disturbingly, it reminds me of this.
And if you’re also curious, here is a bit on idolatry.
Idolatry etymologically denotes Divine worship given to an image, but its signification has been extended to all Divine worship given to anyone or anything but the true God. St. Thomas (Summa Theol., II-II, q. xciv) treats of it as a species of the genus superstition, which is a vice opposed to the virtue of religion and consists in giving Divine honour (cultus) to things that are not God, or to God Himself in a wrong way.
For some reason, this made me laugh out loud at work. My co-workers would wonder about my sanity, except that they already know.
Remember, it’s child like, not childish.