Made Lemon Mousse today. Good, but not precisely what I wanted. But worth making again I think. Next recipe to try will probably be the summer lemon cheesecake.
Addictive Ranch Dip
1/2 cup mayonaise
1/2 cup sour cream
2 tsp dried onion
2 tsp parsley
1 to 2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp garlic power
dash salt
dash pepper
Whisk together. Refrigerate overnight.
Try not to eat the entire bowl in a single sitting.
I’m still playing with the proportions, but this stuff is REALLY good.
Remember: Sour cream has calcium, so it can’t be all bad for you!
yestreen n. Scots
Yesterday evening
zedonk n.
The hybrid offspring of a male zebra and a female donkey
The Indiana House voted late Thursday to approve a bill mandating the historic (Daylight Savings) time change.
I hate Daylight Savings time. Hate it, hate it, hate it.
Indiana is moving in the wrong direction, they should be pushing the rest of is to get rod of daylight savings time, not joining the crowd!
Paper: Done.
Presentation: Done.
Only thing left is my final. Next Friday. At 3:00. So I have it hanging over my head ALL WEEK.
This is absolutely fascinating–you can look at names and track their popularity through time. My name went as high as 4 in the 1970s (surprise?) but has declined since then. I found out that my great-grandfather’s name was quite popular at the turn of the last century, and then dropped off the map.
I hate waiting and doing things at the last minute. Hate it. If it’s a project I want it finished weeks in advanced.
It’s even worse when the last minute rush isn’t my fault. Then I’m irritated, but have to pretend not to be, just to be polite.
Happy TV Turnoff Week!
I’d have mentioned it earlier, except that since we don’t watch TV, I hadn’t been paying attention. I do have to admit, however, that this year we have been watching Star Trek on DVD. So I’m not TV free, although we are free of having to turn on the TV at a specific time for a specific show. And it’s not that hard to go for quite awhile without opening up the TV cabinet. (We’ve been watching DVDs because it’s easier to watch 45 minutes of a DVD for relaxation than to try and put down a good book at the end of 45 minutes. Good books can cause me to stay up past my bed time.)
I can, however, tell you that as someone who doesn’t have cable, it’s not that hard of a thing to do–not watching TV and getting rid of cable. My friends and co-workers only mock me a little bit, and we discover that there are, in fact, other things to talk about than what was on TV last night.
So go ahead and try it. After all, better late than never.
That Susan did, in fact, come to Morgantown.
Plus, a road sign outside Pittsburgh warning of the Moon Beaver. Coming the other way it tells of the Airport Beaver.
And yes, that is, in fact, snow in a picture that was taken the 24th of April.
“What is officially deemed overweight these days is actually the optimal weight.”
Okay, it’s just a single study, but still it’s nice to see some focus on weight and health that doesn’t stop at “overweight is bad.”
(B)eing very thin, even though the thinness was longstanding and unlikely to stem from disease, caused a slight increase in the risk of death
The take home point–as always–is that weight shouldn’t be the only thing we consider as far as health. Fitness is a far more important issue, yet it is the thing that most people try to ignore.
It is far easier to buy carb-smart ice cream, or lowfat cookies than to get yourself to the gym every morning, but it is the exercise that is going to improve your health, not artificial sweeteners and the artificial fats.
So I think that if taken the right way, this is a good message. That those who exercise and are careful about what they eat, but can’t seem to lose weight, are not necessarily damned to a life of ill health. And that being thin is not the sign of health it has been taken for in recent years.
Eating well and exercising are far more important than the number on the scale.
We saw Varekai last night with my parents and Susan and Erin and her friend Ivy.
I wanna go back and see it again! I wanna go to Las Vegas and see the Cirque shows there! I want MORE!
A company in South Africa has found a way to harness youthful energy in solving the perennial problem of water supply in rural villages.
It uses a playground roundabout to power a borehole pump.
What a fantastic idea–take a children’s toy and apply it to provide for the community.
The website, Roundabout Outdoor has a small video you can watch.
Elephants, Yeah!
To understand why I like this so much, you have to understand that growing up we received gifts from the Birthday Elephant, the Christmas Elephant, the Easter Elephant, the Valentine’s Day Elephant…
(via Making Light)
A visit with Susan. Vacation Time. Cirque du Soleil.
Blogging will be erratic for the remainder of the week.