Supreme Court Rules Against Massey & Blankenship
Brent Benjamin should have stepped down from the Massey case.
…(T)he $3 million Blankenship spent to unseat the incumbent justice who was seeking re-election and replace him with Benjamin “had a significant and disproportionate influence in placing Justice Benjamin on the case.”
Something to note here:
“It is an old cliche, but sometimes the cure is worse than the disease,” Roberts said. He wrote that it is not clear that Blankenship’s money even affected the outcome of the election.
“I would give the voters of West Virginia more credit than that,” he said.
In fact, once WV voters realized what Blankenship was up to, we did soundly reject the candidates he supported. Unfortunately, when Benjamin was elected, it wasn’t clear what was happening. The next election, however, it was clear what Blankenship was doing, and his efforts to buy WV politicians was soundly rejected.
Lets hope that state law remains so that when Blankenship and his ilk attempt to buy WV politicians, we can see where the money is coming from, instead of hiding that money behind fake groups such as, “For the Sake of the Kids.”