Take THAT!
Today? Today is a day of accomplishing things and of money soon coming in.
First, we got back the results of our health screening from last week. PEIA does a thing where they cut you a check for being healthy. Michael and I both scored 100 out of 100, so we’ll both be getting $50 checks! Woot!
As far as my results, they were overall worse than last year, but the higher blood pressure is directly related to increased stress at work and at home, and I’d bet the slightly increased cholesterol is related to the ever increasing does of antidepressants, as did the slight uptick in my BMI. (OK, the fact I had two brownies and ice cream the night before probably didn’t help.) But despite the upticks, I am still in excellent health–and hope that next year’s numbers go back to the range of last year’s.
The second thing was I filed our federal taxes. Got our W2s online, but I needed Michael to get me his student loan interest and the mortgage interest statements before I could file.
Amusing tidbit here. You need to enter the amount of interest you earn on any interest bearing accounts. However, I only had $0.06 interest on our local savings account, which rounded to zero, which the program didn’t like.
Since I again bought the HR Block software, I again had 5 free e-files, so taxes are gone, and hopefully our return will be winging it’s way back soon. (Why did I spend money on tax software? Because I also have to do Grandmom’s taxes, and I’d really rather not take any chances there.)
Now before someone pitches a snit about my liberal tendencies and taxes and such, Michael and I both overpay throughout the year–we both file as single. I’d much rather overpay through the year and get a big return than have to take a hit in April, so it works out well for us. I’m also sure there are lots and lots of things we could do to increase our return. But I don’t particularly care, so why bother with the headache?
So hooray for getting things done, and an even bigger cheer for the money that’ll be filtering in over the next couple months. Wheee!
So yay for Wednesday–better than Monday and Tuesday!