Life and Surrounding Environs
The Monday before Christmas, in a long and convoluted manner, doctors discovered a mass in my father’s abdomen. It was relatively quickly determined to be outside the alimentary canal, but behind the source of his digestive distress for the past six months. After a whole bunch of tests, they have finally scheduled his surgery.
Friday the 23rd he goes in for surgery; the difficulty of the surgery and the length of his recovery will be determined partially by the amount of scar tissue in his abdomen from his prostate surgery a decade ago, and his radiation therapy last summer.
Although I hope the surgery is fast and has a quick recovery, the procession of events leading up to this point has been chaotic to say the least, so I am expecting a difficult surgery (for the surgeon–Dad will be out through the process) and a lot of time spent in the hospital waiting for his bowels to wake up.
For my own sanity, I’ll be twittering from the hospital, so you can check my twitter feed to see when he comes out of surgery, but I won’t actually get twitter updates on my phone, so if you’ll want to reach me you’ll have to do it the old fashioned way and either txt or e-mail. :)
So if I’m not around much, check my twitter feed (conveniently located in my sidebar) if you’re curious what’s going on.
Meanwhile, I’ve still got a week’s worth of posts to come up with. :)