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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tasty Tuesday: Poticza

I love baked goods with nuts in them. Heck, I love all kinds of foods with nuts. In a conversation with Tania she mentioned a nut bread a friend used to make.

She sent me the recipe and the source, which I discovered was in a cookbook that I have, The King Arthur Flour Baker’s Companion.


The bread is completely delicious–I’ll definitely make it again. However, the directions left something to be desired.

The problem is they had me roll out the dough, and then roll the nut paste on top of the dough. Unfortunately, the bread dough is very soft, so when I rolled the nut paste onto the dough, the dough became extremely thin, especially in the center.

So next time I may try and roll out the nut paste and then put it on the bread dough. That may keep the dough from getting too thin when it is rolled out.

Regardless of how it looked, it was very very delicious.

Written by Michelle at 8:00 am    

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