Random (but not really)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tasty Tuesday: Bread Pudding Redux

Here is a reposting of my bread pudding recipe, just for Vince.

Actually, I’ve changed a few things, which is why I’m reposting and not just linking to the old post.

Bread Pudding
Leftover bread, cut into cubes (I used a whole loaf of whole wheat “Italian” bread–the cup or so I didn’t use went to the birds.)
3 cups milk (We used soy milk for Grandmom)
1/2 cup sugar
4 tbsp butter
1 tsp cinnamon
1 cup minced apple
3 eggs

Heat oven to 350 F and then butter a medium sized casserole dish.

In a saucepan, heat milk, butter, sugar, and cinnamon until the butter melts. In a bowl, beat eggs. Remove milk mixture from heat, and then mix in eggs.

In a large bowl, mix everything together and then dump into casserole dish. Alternatively, put bread and apples into casserole dish and then pour milk and egg mixture over bread.

Bake at 350 F for 45- 60 minutes, or until knife comes out clean.

(adapted from How to Cook Everything)

Whiskey Sauce
8 tbs butter
1 cup sugar
4 tbsp whiskey
2 tbsp water
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 egg

Melt butter in saucepan. Add sugar, whiskey, water, nutmeg, and salt. Heat over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Beat egg and whisk into whiskey sauce. Raise heat to medium, and stir gently until sauce thickens. Remove from heat.

(from The Joy of Cooking)

Bread puddingSpoon hot bread pudding into bowl. Add scoop of vanilla ice cream. Spoon hot whiskey sauce over everything. Eat.

NOTE: Grandmom has hers with soy ice cream and loves it.

Written by Michelle at 8:00 am    

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Categories: Food  

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Brief Review of Parts of My Day

Bird tracks in the snow on our porch

Filled the bird feeders.

Bringing the Christmas tree inside

Brought the tree inside. (It won’t be decorated until Christmas Eve day, but smells wonderful.)

Kat Swag

Went looking for a wreath. Changed our minds.

Bread pudding

Bread pudding with vanilla ice cream and whiskey sauce.

Written by Michelle at 9:07 pm    

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Categories: Food,House & Garden,Photos  

To-ing and Fro-ing

Today was full of doing stuff. Not anything particularly fun, but the grocery shopping and laundry and all that other stuff that ends up on the back burner until the weekend.

However, on the bright side, since I was already on my feet the whole day, I made pizza for dinner, and there is bread pudding with vanilla ice cream and whiskey sauce for dessert.


No, I didn’t take any pictures, as I was making dinner and dessert at the same time while washing up as I went. So you’ll just have to imagine.

Or perhaps I’ll just take a picture of the end product–a couple spoonfuls of piping hot bread pudding with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and whiskey sauce poured over the entire thing.

I love baking.

Written by Michelle at 7:55 pm    

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