Bad for the Boss
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Bad for the Boss (2017) Talia Hibbert
Jennifer Johnson was orphaned at 11, when both her parents were murdered. She the lived with her grandmother who spent years trying to put Jen back together. Now it’s Jen’s turn and she needs the job at Brown Cow advertising agency to give her grandmother the care she needs.
Theodore Chamberlain is a multi-millionaire and one of the bosses at Brown Cow. An unexpected email from a new employee piques his curiosity and protective instincts–and quickly his lust.
experience taught him that she probably wouldn’t contact HR. Most women were far too anxious about possible repercussions to do that, and considering the way the world worked, Theo understood the reluctance.
I’ll be honest, I really don’t care for relationships with such a large imbalance of power–even if Theo was trying to make things more even between them. It just makes me super uncomfortable. I also generally don’t like books about billionaires and the super rich
That said, I still devoured this book. I believe it was one of Talia Hibbert’s first books, which is pretty amazing.
Also, Theo does manage to not be a creep in other situations, which helped (along with the knowledge that this was one of her first books).
He turned to his right and found a group of sober-ish women. “Excuse me; I don’t know this girl, but I think someone needs to look after her.”
The women blinked at him, then at the girl, and then, as though choreographed, they smiled all at once.
“Hey, honey,” one said, reaching forward to grab the girl’s hand. “You come over here with us. Who are you with? Do you have a phone?”
Somehow, she couldn’t ever see herself needing protection from him. Maybe because of the fact that he’d bothered to offer it.
There were elements of suspense–discovering Jen’s past is a big one–and I was glad that Theo had somewhat resolved the imbalance (with money mind you) before The Thing happened.
I particularly liked that neither character was white, and that diversity was simply part of the story, because it’s part of the world. (Not that you could really tell from the cover of this book, mind you, because even without the top of his head, that male model looks super white.)
So it was a good story, and I’m already devouring the next book.
Publisher: Nixon House
Rating: 6.5/10
- Categories: Asian, British, Own Voices, Romance, Sexual Content
- Tags: Boinking, PTSD, Talia Hibbert
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