
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Two Wrongs Make a Right

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Two Wrongs Make a Right (2022) Chloe Liese (The Wilmot Sisters)

Two Wrongs Make a RightI picked up my first book by Chloe Liese because it was highly rated and had a female main character with ASD.

I’ve very much enjoyed every book of hers I’ve read since then, although I don’t read them one after another, because they are definitely boinking books.

Bea is an artist and a little bit of a mess–mostly because it took her a long time to get past her ex, a jerk who gaslighted her. But her sister and her friends insist she needs to start dating again, and keep pushing her towards men they think she’ll get along with.

Her first meeting with Jamie is a disaster. Multiple disasters, one on top of another, but her sister persists, until Bea and Jamie are willing to havea fake relationship just to keep their friends from trying to set them up.

Jamie is a tall, handsome, and accomplished ball of anxiety and doubt, which contributes to the disastrous first meeting he has with Bea.

Having just read The Mistletoe Motive, a small part of the start of the plot was very familiar, but the story quickly moved past that, and then continued on in directions I was not expecting, but that were extremely satisfying.

And the story was full of bits and pieces that were perfectly dropped in.

Rules serve the people who fit readily within their boundaries and gain an advantage in their being enforced.

And, like all her books, full of queer rep, neurodivergent rep, and good mental health rep.

“I have anxiety, compulsions. I take medication and go to therapy.”

Although completely different from the book I finished before this, it was, in its own way, also perfect, and the boinking bits were easy to skim.

Published by Berkley. Cover design by Rita Frangie Cover illustration by Kelly Wagner

Rating: 9/10


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