
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Runaways Vol 1: Pride & Joy

Runaways Vol 1: Pride & Joy (2003) Brian K. Vaughan The series Runaways came up as a recommendation for me several times, and it looked interesting. However, I am wary books with of teenage characters, because if they’re not well done, I find them intolerably annoying. Luckily, the characters in Runaways may be teenagers, but […]

Ex Machina Vol 3: Fact v Fiction

Ex Machina Vol 3: Fact v Fiction (2006) Brian K. Vaughan Ex Machina Vol 3: Fact v Fiction Now that I’m all caught up on Ex Machina, I suppose I have a six month wait or so before the next collection comes out. Luckily, I have one or two other things around here to read. […]

Ex Machina Vol 2: Tag

Ex Machina Vol 2: Tag (2005) Brian K. Vaughan Tag continues the story of Mitchell Hundred, also known as The Great Machine, and current mayor of NYC. Like the first volume, the story jumps back and forth in time. This time the past focuses upon his campaign for mayor of NYC, and how he became […]

Ex Machina: The First Hundred Days

Ex Machina: The First Hundred Days (2005) Brian K. Vaughan I picked this up several months ago (before Christmas), but like other books, was putting off reading it until I had time only for something short to read. Then I forgot I had it. It was the name of the series, which first caught my […]

Y: The Last Man

Y: The Last Man (2003) Brian K. Vaughan I just couldn’t get into this. The story looked interesting, but it just didn’t do anything for me. Some plague–a strange illness, a curse from the Gods, no one knows–has killed every mammal on the planet with a Y chromosome except for Yorick Brown and his pet […]