Ex Machina Vol 3: Fact v Fiction
Monday, April 17, 2006
Ex Machina Vol 3: Fact v Fiction (2006) Brian K. Vaughan
Ex Machina Vol 3: Fact v Fiction
Now that I’m all caught up on Ex Machina, I suppose I have a six month wait or so before the next collection comes out. Luckily, I have one or two other things around here to read.
Fact v Fiction delves a little more into Mitchell Hundred’s past, although it’s his past prior to becoming the Great Machine, rather than after the accident that gave him his ability to talk to machines.
The politics in the current time line seems to be the day-to-day details of running the government, rather than the major contentious issues of the last book. Which I like just as well, because after all, the day-to-day business of running a city (or whatever) isn’t all excitement (or probably even a great deal of excitement) but lots of mundane details.
Not that there were lots of mundane details here–I don’t think I’d call anything about this series mundane. Nor have we yet gotten a lot of details–at least not a lot of detail about Mitchell Hundred’s past right after he became “The Great Machine.” We did get to seem him as a comic book buying kid, and learned about his father, and a little more about his mother.
However, I’m still frustrated that we’ve learned so little about how Mitchell Hundred became The Great Machine. I’m not very good at being patient, and this is requiring a lot of patience.
I was, however, glad to see Kremlin again, even if only for a little bit. Kremlin and Wiley are my favorite characters (at least for now). They both seem to have a sense of decisiveness and certainty about how the world should be, and Kremlin especially believes that you do what needs to be done, damn the consequences. Not that Mitchell Hundred lacks those qualities. I just don’t notice them as much.
The story is still keeping my attention, although none of the three books has struck me as great or fantastic (Probably because I’m frustrated by not knowing more of Mitchell Hundred’s back story). But it’s holding my interest, so I’ll keep going.
Rating: 7/10
- Categories: Fantasy, Graphic Novels, Paper, Super Hero
- Tags: Brian K Vaughan, Ex Machina, Wildstorm Comics
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