
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction


Men at Arms, Soul Music, Interesting Times, Hogfather Terry Pratchett Men at Arms I’m rather fond of the night watch. Captain Vimes is getting ready to retire, and not only must they find his successor, they need to discover who broke into to Assassin’s headquarters, discover what was stolen, and find out who or what […]


Witches Abroad, Mort, Wyrd Sisters, Small Gods, Lords and Ladies by Terry Pratchett Mort (1987) Death takes an apprentice. The horse entered the square by the Hub road, steam curling off its huge damp white flanks and sparks striking up from the cobbles beneath it. It trotted proudly, like a war charger. It was definitely […]


Discworld by Terry Pratchett Pyramids, Guards! Guards!, Faust Eric, Reaper Man I’ve been re-reading Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series, mostly because they’re funny, and a quick read. I know I’m missing quite a few books, but I’m buying them when I find them. Pyramids ROC (1999) Teppic, son of the pharaoh of the Kingdom of the […]