
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction


Jingo (1997) Terry Pratchett (Discworld) An island has arisen from the sea–and island that is claimed by both Klatch and Ankh-Morpork. As every student of exploration knows, the prize goes not to the explorer who first sets foot upon the virgin soil but to the one who gets that foot home first. If it is […]

Kneading You

Kneading You (2019) C.S. Poe (A Lancaster Story) I needed some happy fluffy with outside conflict (not internal angst). Christopher Hughes is is applying for what he hopes will be his dream job–librarian in the small town to which he has moved. But a local businessman wants to tear down the building and put up […]

Guards! Guards!

Guards! Guards! (1989) Terry Pratchett (Discworld, #8; City Watch #1) This is the first book with Captain Vimes, and Carrot, yes, but we also get lots of THE LIBRARIAN! (OOK!) Very senior librarians, however, once they have proved themselves worthy by performing some valiant act of librarianship, are accepted into a secret order and are […]

Family Matters

Family Matters (2018) Angel Martinez (Brandywine Investigations) This is two books and a short story. The first story is about Dionysus and Leander (the Minotaur of the cover. (with a KILT. Which is PERFECT.)) The second story is a short story about a young woman stumbling upon Artemis and the muses in the forest. “That’s […]

Naked Once More

Naked Once More (1989) Elizabeth Peters (Jacqueline Kirby Mysteries) How old is this book? This old. Jacqueline proceeded on her way, pleased but wondering how the young officer had known who she was. She couldn’t be the only handsome middle-aged lady with green eyes and auburn hair driving a car with New York plates and […]

Checking Out Love

Checking Out Love (2015) R. Cooper Jeremy Song is a graduate student who is not always good at focusing but very good about being exciting. The problem with being one of those people fascinated by everything was that he annoyed those humans around him who didn’t think it was fun to learn and question and […]

Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter

Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter (2016) R. Cooper Scott Yun moved to Montgomery to help his sister take care of her kids, but it’s an extremely small town, and one of the few single gay guys is extremely cute, but also a widower. So Scott goes to work at the firehouse, helps to care for […]

Upside Down

Upside Down (2019) N.R. Walker This was precisely the story I needed to read. I have a ton of books on my TBR, but none of them were pulling me in. Jordan O’Neil is a librarian who is tired of his love life never ever working out. When his co-worker (and best friend) Merry encourages […]


Thaw (2017) Elyse Springer (Seasons of Love Book) Dedication: You are not broken. You are not alone. You are perfect exactly the way you are. And you are loved. The first thing to know about Abigail is that she loves her job as a librarian. The second is that she isn’t particularly social, but agrees […]

Kneading You

Kneading You (2019) C.S. Poe Christopher Hughes always wanted to live in a small town. With a degree in literature, he’s delighted to take a job taking over the local library and help it recover from years of neglect. Unfortunately, a local Selectman wants the property for a building project, so Christopher has a tiny […]

American Dreamer

American Dreamer (2019) Adriana Herrera Nesto Vasquez is chasing his dream. He’s moving his food truck from NYC up to Ithaca (where is mother and sister live) to see if he can make a go of it there. All he wants is to focus on making a success of his business; he didn’t expect the […]

Family Matters

Family Matters (2018) Angel Martinez (Brandywine Investigations) This is three stories set in the same world as the previous book, Open for Business: Books, Bulls, & Bacchanals, Midwinter Dancing, Pack Up the Moon Books, Bulls, & Bacchanals is Dionysus’ story. After an evening spent with his family, Dio decides he needs to find something to […]

Murder Takes the High Road

Murder Takes the High Road (2018) Josh Lanyon Two years ago, Librarian Carter Matheson bought tickets for himself and his boyfriend for the Tour to Die For, a bus trip through Scotland visiting many of the places that appeared in Dame Vanessa Rayburn’s books. But now Carter and Trevor are split, and Carter refused to […]

Guards! Guards!

Guards! Guards! (1989) Terry Pratchett I love Terry Pratchett, and I think I may love the Watch story arc best of all the Discworld stories. It was a five hundred mile journey and, surprisingly, quite uneventful. People who are rather more than six feet tall and nearly as broad across the shoulders often have uneventful […]

Die for Love

Die for Love (1984) Elizabeth Peters The third Jacqueline Kirby book finds Jacqueline headed to New York for a romance conference (it was the only thing she could find to let her escape Nebraska for awhile). Why do I like Jacqueline? “You can have this when I’m finished, if you like.” “Really? Oh, that’s really […]

The Murders of Richard III

The Murders of Richard III (1974) Elizabeth Peters The second Jacqueline Kirby book finds her in England. Her friend Thomas is a Ricardian–part of a group that wants to rehabilitate the image of Richard III. It’s been dated to about 1580. Like most of the other portraits of Richard, it was probably copied from a […]

The Seventh Sinner

The Seventh Sinner (1972) Elizabeth Peters I read one book in this series years and years ago, and remembered next to nothing about it other than I wanted to read the other books in the series, so when I came across the ebooks on sale, I snatched them up. First, this story was copyrighted in […]

A Rare Book of Cunning Device, Audio Short Story

A Rare Book of Cunning Device, Audio Short Story (2017) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith This is a Peter Grant short story, available only as an audible short story (currently free). Oh My Dog I love this so much. Peter is summoned to the London British Library because the library (who knew his mother) […]


Libriomancer (2012) Jim C. Hines I really, really wanted to love this story. Instead, I just liked it, but came away with a vague feeling of disappointment–not because the book was bad–it wasn’t–but because I had wanted so much more out of the story, and it didn’t deliver. Isaac Vainio is working as a librarian […]

Night Watch

Night Watch (2002) Terry Pratchett This book, for me, strikes far more political chords than funny bones. It doesn’t make it bad, it just makes it a lot darker than some other Terry Pratchett book. (He) started in the wrong place. he didn’t look around, and watch, and learn, and then say, “This is how […]

Guards! Guards!

Guards! Guards! (1989) Terry Pratchett I love Discworld. That’s not to say I love all the books, but some of the character arcs in this series feature some of the best writing around. Guards! Guards! is the start of the Night Watch story arc. When we meet Captain Samuel Vimes, he’s drinking himself into the […]

Where’s My Cow

Where’s My Cow? (2005) Terry Pratchett Children’s Winner of the Ankh-Morpork Librarian’s Award: OOK! Needed something to cheer me up after a particularly depressing mystery. Where’s My Cow (click to read previous review) was the perfect palate cleanser. Except, of course, now I want to go read more Discworld books.

Making Money

Making Money (2007) Terry Pratchett I always love Terry Pratchett’s books. Which is why I’ll never understand why I put off reading them. My guess is that I want to save them for a time when I want a new book to read that I know is going to be good. And Discworld books always […]


THUD (2005) Terry Pratchett I’m not sure what it is about Terry Pratchett. I’ll see a new Discworld book, and think, yeah, he’s good, but I’m sure it can’t be as good as I remember, and so I’ll put off getting or reading the book for awhile, till several have backed up, then I’ll decided […]

Going Postal

Going Postal (2004) Terry Pratchett Going Postal is the next Discworld book in line, and like Monstrous Regiment, the primary characters are new ones. Although other characters continue to make an appearence, and Lord Vetinari plays an important part in the story, like Monstrous Regiment, Going Postal requires no previous knowledge of Discworld, which makes […]