
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

The Devil You Know

The Devil You Know (2006) Mike Carey “I don’t know what I want to read.” Peruses bookshelves. “I remember buying The Devil You Know, why haven’t I read it yet?” Reads first paragraph. “Hmmm….” Hours later. “Wow!” First off, I believe this was shelved in the mystery section, which is part of why I put […]

Lucifer Vol 3: A Dalliance with the Damned

Lucifer Vol 3: A Dalliance with the Damned (2002) Mike Carey, Peter Gross, Ryan Kelly, Dean Ormston A Dalliance with the Damned is the third book in the Lucifer series. Maziken is in search of a way to return her face to its proper form, Lucifer has decided to create his own Creation, and there […]

Lucifer Vol 2: Children and Monsters

Lucifer Vol 2: Children and Monsters (2001) Mike Carey, Peter Gross, Ryan Kelly, Dean Ormston Children and Monsters is the second book in the Lucifer series. Lucifer has obtained the gate, and has now decided to use it. Now he is looking to get some other objects, for whatever plans he has. We also see […]