
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Small Vices

Small Vices (1997) Robert B Parker On the trip to get my grandmother, as I was driving alone I wanted a book to listen to, to help me stay awake and coherent. I grabbed Small Vices, read by Burt Reynolds to keep me company on the trip. I really do love this book, and I […]

Cold Service

Cold Service (2005) Robert B. Parker I had figured that I was going to have to wait a year, until it came out in paperback, to read the latest Spender book. However, we found a hardback copy at Half Price Books, cheaper than the coming paperback will be, so we got it. There was a […]

Small Vices

Small Vices (1997) Robert B. Parker Okay, so I didn’t totally resist, but I’ve limited myself to just Small Vices, which is one of my favorite Spenser books. Small Vices was my introduction to Spenser. It is also the reason I have some small affection for Burt Reynolds. Back when I worked in a lab, […]

Bad Business

Bad Business (2004) Robert B. Parker The danger in reading a Spenser book is that I then want to go back and reread all the other Spenser books. All 28 of them. But as I reread them just a year ago, I’ll try to restrain myself. Spenser takes what seems to be a simple divorce […]


Robert B. Parker‘s Spenser mysteries. So while home sick, I decided to read all the Robert B Parker Spenser books I could get my hands on. I think that would be all of them but two. Here are my thoughts (will probably continue to be updated/): The Godwulf Manuscript (1973) is the first Spenser book. […]