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Archive for 'Reread'

The Duchess War

The Duchess War (2012) Courtney Milan (Brothers Sinister #1) Set in Leicester, England in 1863 “Your Grace,” Stevens finally said, “your concern does you justice.” The man’s toad-eating did him none. Robert met Stevens’s eyes. “No, it doesn’t. It’s called basic human decency, and I deserve no credit for doing what every man should.” “You […]

Secrets in the Mist

Secrets in the Mist (2016) Anna Lee Huber Set in East Anglia in 1812 It was balm for my bruised pride to hear him apologize, but it did not change what had happened. The hurt did not miraculously vanish, nor did the discomfort his presence caused me. I knew what was coming, like following a […]

System Collapse, Audiobook

System Collapse, Audiobook (2023) Martha Wells narrated by Kevin R Free (Murderbot Diaries #7) I still felt radically off my game and I was hoping for reassurance rather than statistics that confirmed that I was correct in thinking that everything sucked right now. (According to Martyn, ART is of course capable of doing its own […]

A Sanctuary for Soulden

A Sanctuary for Soulden (2021) J.A. Rock & Lisa Henry (The Lords of Bucknall Club #4) Set in alternate England during the Napoleanic Era he caught sight of Lord Christmas Gale, on his hands and knees, searching under a table in the near-empty Green Room. This was a bit unusual, even for Christmas. Soulden walked […]

Jericho Candelario’s Gay Debut

Jericho Candelario’s Gay Debut (2018) R. Cooper “Hey.” Susanna’s voice was sharp. “You mean a lot to me. Stop thinking whatever you’re thinking.” Lincoln must have been snacking on frosting all day and gone without real, solid food. His eyes were very bright. The words in those books weren’t always meant for him, but they […]

Out of House and Home, Audiobook

Out of House and Home, Audiobook (2021) Drew Hayes narrated by Kirby Heyborne (Fred the Vampire Accountant Book 7) “My apologies for the presumption. I knew this only as Deborah’s number.” “It is, but no one picks up their damn phones anymore unless they know the number.” “I called you here to discuss the employment […]

A Power Unbound

A Power Unbound (2023) Freya Marske (The Last Binding Book 3) Set in England in 1909 Spinet House was a young thing, built by a master carpenter-thaumoluthier and his energetically creative wife. It was a fortress. It was a musical, magical puzzle box. It was a fucking headache. When Alan had written up his fawning, […]


Daydream (2022) A.M. Rose (Daydream, Colorado #0.5) There are a few corners of the world where magic lives and thrives. Little nooks straight out of fairytales, full to the brim with wonders and oddities. Daydream, Colorado is one of those places. Never heard of it? It’s not surprising. The residents like to keep their town […]

Fugitive Telemetry, Audiobook

Fugitive Telemetry, Audiobook (2021) Martha Wells narrated by Kevin R Free (The Murderbot Diaries #6) I guess if you were really determined, you could find a way to get yourself killed by exposing the power connectors under the panels and shielding and, I don’t know, licking them or something, “What controlled circumstances?” I said, “Isolated […]

Undeading Bells, Audiobook

Undeading Bells (2019) Drew Hayes narrated by Kirby Heyborne (Fred the Vampire Accountant #6) “You’ve got a whole day to be anxious, so don’t use it all up tonight. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.” The anxious, worried nature I was born with would go wild if every test I had to take was more […]

A Restless Truth

A Restless Truth (2022) Freya Marske (The Last Binding, #2) Set in England and across the Atlantic Ocean in 1909 There was a parlour game: one stared at a tray of objects before it was taken away, adjusted, and placed back in front of one’s eyes. Some things added. Some things removed. Robin was excellent […]

The Holy Thief

The Holy Thief (1992) Ellis Peters (Chronicles of Brother Cadfael #19) Set in Shropshire, England in 1144 At first glance a lovely innocent, as open as his wide eyes, and with the silken pink and whiteness of a girl, but a more penetrating study revealed that this childlike colouring was imposed upon an oval face […]

Deadly Assessments, Audiobook

Deadly Assessments, Audiobook (2018) Drew Hayes narrated by Kirby Heyborne (Fred The Vampire #5) This seems as apt a moment as any for a brief digression, wherein I explain that my employee was neither insane nor joking, as we were both proud Undead Americans—specifically, vampires. “Did the vampire give you a name?” “She called herself […]

A Marvellous Light

A Marvellous Light (2021) Freya Marske (The Last Binding, #1) Set in London in 1908 They left Miss Morrissey in a halfway tidied office. At a certain point in the re-filing process, she’d given up all pretence that she wasn’t seizing the opportunity to impose order on what seemed to have previously been a rather […]

The Ruin of a Rake

The Ruin of a Rake (2017) Cat Sebastian (The Turners #3) Set in London in 1817 Radnor’s secretary sent Courtenay an infuriatingly proper letter suggesting that Courtenay take himself as far away from Simon as humanly possible until the scandal died down. It was heavily implied that the scandal would die down at some point […]

The Fangs of Freelance, Audiobook

The Fangs of Freelance, Audiobook (2017) Drew Hayes narrated by Kirby Heyborne (Fred The Vampire #4) Characters: Fredrick Frankford Fletcher, Krystal Jenkins, Neil, Albert, Bubba Emerson, Amy Wells, Richard Alderson, Gideon, Lillian, Arch Davenport, Charlotte Manor, Sally Alderson, September Windbrook, Roderick Knox, Josiah Fenmoore, Lonnie, Grand Mage Cyndi Gussoff, Quinn Thames, Beauregard, Wallace, Paula, Harris, […]

The Lawrence Browne Affair

The Lawrence Browne Affair (2017) Cat Sebastian (The Turners #2) Set in England in 1817 Georgie had too much practice deceiving others to be able to deceive himself. “I apologize,” he said in a normal tone of voice. “I had a valet, but he left.” “I daresay he did, if you insisted on dressing like […]

Think of England

Think of England (2014) KJ Charles Set in England, 1904 It had been an extraordinarily modern creation at that time, equipped with the very latest innovations, with running water in all the bathrooms, heated by hot-water radiators and illuminated throughout by electricity from his own hydroelectric generator. This country is heading for a crash, mark […]

Proper English

Proper English (2019) KJ Charles Shropshire, 1902 The table was inevitably unbalanced, due to the odd number and informal make-up of the party, with two sets of brothers and sisters to be separated plus the married couple. “I’m so sorry. That’s wholly inadequate but I don’t know if there’s anything else one can say.” “Not […]

Subtle Blood

Subtle Blood (2021) KJ Charles (Will Darling Adventures #3) Set in England in 1924 Lord Arthur recently became notorious for the killing of man-about-town Johnnie Cheveley in shocking events at Lord Waring’s ancestral home. No blame was attached to Lord Arthur by the Coroner’s jury. “They commended him, you shits,” Will growled at the paper. […]

The Sugared Game

The Sugared Game (2020) KJ Charles (The Will Darling Adventures, #2) Set in London in 1924 “Do you ever have the feeling the whole world changed while we were away and nobody bothered to mention it to us?” “I know you’ve thought about this,” Will said. “But there are men in the world who aren’t […]

Slippery Creatures

Slippery Creatures (2020) KJ Charles (The Will Darling Adventures, #1) Set in London in 1923 “My grateful nation wasn’t grateful enough to give me a job. I pawned my medals to keep a roof over my head and food in my belly, and I’ll tell you what, the Military Cross doesn’t fetch a great deal, […]

Bloody Acquisitions, Audiobook

Bloody Acquisitions, Audiobook (2016) Drew Hayes narrated by a full cast: Christopher Walker, Nora Achrati, Marni Penning, Yasmin Tuazon, Shanta Parasuraman, Steven Carpenter, Carolyn Kashner, Christopher Graybill, Anthony Palmini, Laura C Harris, Danny Gavigan, Matthew Bassett, Scott McCormick, Alejandro Ruiz, Bradley Smith, Colleen Delany, Holly Adams, Michael John Casey, Terence Aselford and Zeke Alton(Fred, the […]

Grilled Cheese and Goblins: Adventures of a Supernatural Food Inspector

Grilled Cheese and Goblins: Adventures of a Supernatural Food Inspector (2018) Nicole Kimberling Lulu’s Flapjack Shack inhabited a space that had certainly been continuously used as a hospitality venue since linoleum had been invented. “Mass media doesn’t cover actual vampire deaths,” Keith remarked before he realized how callous his statement sounded. “Have you seen a […]

Undeath & Taxes, Audiobook

Undeath & Taxes, Audiobook (2015) Drew Hayes narrated by a full cast: Christopher Walker, Nora Achrati, Danny Gavigan, Scott McCormick, Marni Penning, Alejandro Ruiz, Bradley Smith, Carolyn Kashner, Shanta Parasuraman, Elizabeth Jernigan, Terence Aselford, Zeke Alton, Henry Kramer, Matthew Schleigh, Michael John Casey, Ken Jackson, Matthew Bassett, Colleen Delany and Chris Stinson (Fred, the Vampire […]

The Summer of the Danes

The Summer of the Danes (1991) Ellis Peters (The Chronicles of Brother Cadfael #18) Set in Wales in 1144 It is a blessed thing, on the whole, to live in slightly dull times, especially after disorder, siege and bitter contention. Have you ever seen the sea?” “No. How could I? Until I joined the bishop’s […]

The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, the Vampire Accountant

The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, the Vampire Accountant, Audiobook (2014) Drew Hayes narrated by a full cast: Christopher Walker, Nora Achrati, Scott McCormick, Alejandro Ruiz, Bradley Smith, Carolyn Kashner, Ken Jackson, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Rose Elizabeth Supan, Mort Shelby (Fred, the Vampire Accountant #1) “Well, if it sweetens the pot any, […]

A Case for Christmas

A Case for Christmas (2021) J.A. Rock & Lisa Henry (The Lords of Bucknall Club #2) Set in alternate England during the Napoleanic Era Chant was well versed in the difference between rudeness for rudeness’s sake and rudeness born from an anxiety that was rapidly becoming unmanageable. “What do you need from me?” Gale hesitated. […]

Lady Ambition’s Dilemma, Audiobook

Lady Ambition’s Dilemma, Audiobook (2022) Jane Steen and Elizabeth Klett narrator (Scott-De Quincy Mysteries #3) Set in Sussex in 1883 “In any case, we’re not discussing me. Are you trying to tell me Dederick . . .” I searched for the right words, “prefers the company of other men?” “A little in love with him […]

The Missing Page

The Missing Page (2022) Cat Sebastian (Page & Sommers #2) Set in Cornwall in 1947 “James has gone to Cornwall.” She said this as if announcing that James had taken up a life of crime and perversion. The more Leo thought about it, the less he liked it. Leo had read this detective story and […]

Still Life, Audiobook

Still Life, Audiobook (2005) Louise Penny narrated by Ralph Cosham (Chief Inspector Gamache #1) Characters: Frederica Potter, Peter Morrow, Jane Neal, Jean Guy Beauvoir, Clara Morrow, Philippe Croft, Matthew Croft, Suzanne Belanger-Croft, Gabriel Dubeau, Olivier Brulé, Ruth Zardo, Ben Hadley, Myrna Landers, Yvette Nichol, Dr. Sharon Harris, Yolande Fontaine, Andre Malenfant, Bernard Malenfant, Isabelle Lacoste, […]

Hither, Page

Hither, Page (2019) Cat Sebastian (Page & Sommers #1) Set in England in 1946 What I love best about this book is she makes the time period (and much everything else) exactly like it does in the Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple series. Only with some boinking. You can’t hold it against him. He had a […]

The Potter’s Field

The Potter’s Field (1989) Ellis Peters (Chronicles of Brother Cadfael #17) Set in Shrewsbury in 1143. “Earth is innocent. Only the use we make of it can mar it.” It takes a very short time for earth to seal over the traces of humankind. …he could have his freedom to go and become a monk, […]

Lady Odelia’s Secret, Audiobook

Lady Odelia’s Secret, Audiobook (2022) Jane Steen and Elizabeth Klett narrator (Scott-De Quincy Mysteries #2) Set in Sussex in 1882 I felt Michael—who hated to touch, or be touched by, other people—flinch as I rested my fingertips as lightly as possible on his arm. “I enjoy reading about people who are real to me for […]

Fugitive Telemetry, Audiobook

Fugitive Telemetry, Audiobook (2021) Martha Wells narrated by Kevin R Free (The Murderbot Diaries #6) Characters: Dr. Mensah, Pin-Lee, Lutran, Dr. Ratthi, Gurathin, Senior Officer Indah, Tech Tural, Officer Doran, Officer Aylen, PA Supervisor Gamila, Officer Farid, Officer Tifany, Tellus, Balin, JollyBaby, Soire, Mish, Matif, Fenn, Miro Publisher: Recorded Books Rating: 9.5/10

Network Effect, Audiobook

Network Effect, Audiobook (2020) Martha Wells narrated by Kevin R Free (The Murderbot Diaries #5) Characters: Dr. Arada, Overse, Dr. Thiago, Dr. Mensah, Dr. Ratthi, Dr. Bharadwaj, Amena, Pin-Lee, Farai, Tano, Copilot Mihail, Specialist Rajpreet, Pilot Roa, Adjat, Remy, Hanifa, Kanti, Perihelion/ART, Eletra, Ras, Officer Tifany, Senior Officer Indah, Supervisor Leonide, Martyn, Karime, Turi, Seth, […]

Exit Strategy, Audiobook

Exit Strategy, Audiobook (2018) Martha Wells, narrated by Kevin R. Free (The Murderbot Diaries #4) Ship’s drones gathered to watch me, confused as to why I was going out the wrong door and beeping sadly about it. (Humans never think to tell their bots things like, say, don’t respond to random individuals wandering the outside […]

Rogue Protocol, Audiobook

Rogue Protocol, Audiobook (2018) Martha Wells, narrated by Kevin R. Free (The Murderbot Diaries #3) Or Miki was a bot who had never been abused or lied to or treated with anything but indulgent kindness. It really thought its humans were its friends, because that’s how they treated it. I signaled Miki I would be […]

Artificial Condition, Audiobook

Artificial Condition, Audiobook (2018) Martha Wells, narrated by Kevin R. Free (The Murderbot Diaries #2) (Constructs sometimes fall under the same category as bots, sometimes under the same category as deadly weapons. (FYI, that is not a good category to be in.)) How the hell was I supposed to know there were transports sentient enough […]

All Systems Red, Audiobook

All Systems Red, Audiobook (2017) Martha Wells, narrated by Kevin R. Free (The Murderbot Diaries #1) The hostile that had just exploded up out of the ground had a really big mouth, so I felt I needed a really big gun. So we didn’t lose our ramp when the hostile came up under it, big […]

Lady Helena Investigates, Audiobook

Lady Helena Investigates, Audiobook (2018) Jane Steen and Elizabeth Klett narrator (Scott-De Quincy Mysteries #1) Set in Sussex in 1881 “I can’t have you back, so I’m forced to move forward with my life. I let Daniel’s death reduce me to some kind of paralysis, but you rescued me from it in the end. Perhaps […]

A Scandal in Mayfair, Audiobook

A Scandal in Mayfair, Audiobook (2024) Katharine Schellman narrated by Henrietta Meire (Lily Adler Mystery #5) Set in London in 1817 Fanny hesitated, then added in a serious whisper, “My Aunt Judith would not approve of my saying saliva.” “Well, I promise not to tell,” Lily replied, not knowing what else to say. As Lily […]

Murder at Midnight, Audiobook

Murder at Midnight, Audiobook (2023) Katharine Schellman narrated by Henrietta Meire (Lily Adler Mysteries #4) Set in Hertfordshire in 1816 “Mrs. Adler, how many of the rumors about you are true?” “That depends on the rumors,” Lily replied “There’s a door past the kitchen, between the servants’ quarters and the rest of the house. Anytime […]

Death at the Manor, Audiobook

Death at the Manor, Audiobook (2022) Katharine Schellman narrated by Henrietta Meire (Lily Adler Mystery #3) Set in Portsmouth, England 1816 “Begging your pardons,” Mr. Mears said, speaking up when it became clear that Miss Wright was too occupied with wiping her eyes and catching her breath to say anymore. “She means Isaiah, who you […]

Silence in the Library, Audiobook

Silence in the Library, Audiobook (2020) Katharine Schellman narrated by Henrietta Meire (Lily Adler Mystery #2) Set in London in 1815 “How horrid!” Lily said, gazing at them with rapt—and encouraging—attention. “He’s not like other boys,” the maid said at last. “He never has been. The family says he’s feebleminded, but I don’t think that’s […]

The Heretic’s Apprentice

The Heretic’s Apprentice (1989) Ellis Peters (Chronicles of Brother Cadfael #16) Set in Shrewsbury, England in 1143 ‘There is no sin unless through a man’s own will, and hence the reward when we do right things also of our own will.’ Let Elave commit that to memory, and he could quote it in his own […]

The Body in the Garden, Audiobook

The Body in the Garden, Audiobook (2020) Katharine Schellman narrated by Henrietta Meire (Lily Adler Mystery) Set in London in 1815 I enjoyed listening to the story, although the narrator wasn’t as strong as others I’ve recently been listening to. But this is a first book in a series by a first-time author. “Plenty of […]

Nearly a Lady

Nearly a Lady (2011) Alissa Johnson (Haverston Family #1) Set in England during the Napoleonic wars She pushed forward again, into the noise and smell and great wall of people. She’d never seen so many people. She felt as if she were on the verge of being trampled. Panic began to slither along her skin […]

Stiletto, Audiobook

Stiletto, Audiobook (2016) Daniel O’Malley narrated by Moira Quirk (Checquy Files #2) “I can summon and command wasps,” said Pawn Harriet Collinge, whom Odette suspected of being a little bit tipsy. “Roger disrupts mathematics, and Louis can draw wasps to him.” “Very cool,” said Odette. “Wait, so you can both do things with wasps? Are […]

Burn Bright, Audiobook

Burn Bright, Audiobook (2009) Patricia Briggs narrated by Holter Graham (Alpha & Omega #5) Brother Wolf didn’t like Leah, either, but he respected her more than Charles did. Hester in wolf form was, like Anna, pitch-black, though Anna’s eyes were ice blue. In build, Anna’s wolf was lithe and graceful. Hester was made for war. […]