
Jessica Jones

Books: Graphic Novel | Super Hero | Marvel

Uncaged! (2017)

Vol. 1: Uncaged! (2017) Brian Michael Bendis, David W. Mack, Michael Gaydos

Jessica Jones UncagedSeveral notes here:

1. I know nothing about Jessica Jones. I never watched Alias. I don't follow the Avengers.

I picked this up because Jessica Jones is a female private investigator and that piqued my curiosity.

2. I have the digital version of this.

As much as I love digital the digital word, I do not love digital comics. Even wearing reading glasses, I have to zoom in to read all the text, which means I don't see what is going on, on the page as a whole, which means I miss more than I do normally when reading a comic.

So, no background on the character and in a format I'm not that fond it, so take that into consideration as to my review.

The story opens with Jessica in prison. I have no idea why she is in prison, just that she is being let out.

Jessica Jones Uncaged 1

We also learn that she is a private investigator, she isn't that good at having super powers, and she's on the outs with her husband, Nic Cage, because she's hidden her child. (Even I have heard of Nic Cage.)

She goes to her office and almost immediately is hired for a case: a woman doesn't understand what is happening with her husband, who is claiming she isn't his wife, that he actually has another wife–and a daughter–in a different timeline. So she takes the case.

As the story unfolds, we eventually learn where Jessica's daughter is, why she was in prison, and a whole other bunch of things.

Including that Nic Cage has a temper, and apparently a lot of his friends don't actually like Jessica. In fact, a lot of people don't seem to like Jessica. That bit made me like her more, as I tried to understand both her anger, and what was going on with her.

Jessica Jones Uncaged

I slept before writing this review, because I wasn't sure quite how I felt about the story. Upon waking I decided that I wanted to know more about the story–despite my confusion about so much of what was happening.

So I'll rate this as a like, despite the issues I had with the story.

Publisher: Marvel

April 2020 | Rating: 6.5/10