
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

The Last Twilight

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Last Twilight (2008) Marjorie M. Liu

Rikki Kinn is a virus hunter for the CDC, and she’s in Africa looking at what may well be a new outbreak of Ebola. Unfortunately, a contagious and deadly disease turns out to be the least of her problems, when she discovers that she is being hunted–but no one can tell her why. In the US, Dirk & Steele are asked to protect her, and Amiri is sent back–despite his better judgment–to the land where he was captured and exported to a laboratory to be studied along with the other preternatural creatures caught by the Consortium. Despite his serious misgivings, he goes with ax and Eddie to protect find and protect Rikki.

As with most of the other Dirk & Steele books, there are references to characters and events and relationships from the past (i.e. previous books) however, since at least one of the characters (in this case Rikki) is unfamiliar with Dirk & Steele and the supernatural, these references do not actually detract from the story since the past (and the supernatural) are explained to Rikki and thus the reader.

First, I really like Rikki–she’s a very smart scientist, and although she (of course) has a troubled past, she is very good at her job, and does not fear placing herself in danger to do that job. I also like Amiri, who also (of course) has a troubled past, but has rebuilt his life and loves the work he does for Dirk & Steele. I also like that he had been a teacher before coming to Dirk & Steele. (Lovely role reversal, I must say.)

Since this is a floating head book, you know that the characters are going to get together by the end of the book, so the secondary mysteries of the virus, or Amiri’s father, the mercenaries etc do a good job of moving things along. There were, of course, a couple things I found a little silly, but for a kissing book, such silliness is expected.

If you’re looking for a fun romp and don’t mind boinking, then the Dirk & Steele series is turning out to be quite enjoyable.
Rating: 7/10

Published by Leisure Paranormal Romance


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