
Check, Please!

Books: Graphic Novel | Romance | YA

#Hockey (2018), Sticks & Scones (2020)

#Hockey (2018) Ngozi Ukazu

Check Please HockeyEric Bittle was a junior figure skating champion, but now he's a Freshman in college and on the Samwell University hockey team–but not quite sure he's ready for checking.

check please assist

Also, he has a crush on one of his teammates–the star and captain, Jack Zimmerman.

It's a cute story, however, since it's about male college hockey players, there is a LOT of cursing and drinking.

Just so you know.

But also silly.

check please goats

There are a couple issues, however. This was originally a web comic, which is great. However, the print comic put all the comic bits together and didn't integrate the tweets and explainers into the story, which means it felt like there were pieces missing was you read the comic.

It wasn't a deal-breaker, but it was an issue in following the story at times.

NOTE: I went and read the entire webcomic up to what has been published, all in one sitting. So take that as well.

Publisher: First Second

Book 2: Sticks & Scones (2020) Ngozi Ukazu

Check Please Sticks and SconesY'all.

I love this comic SO. MUCH.

Check Please Volume 2

No, you just don't even understand how much I love this comic.

Check Please Sticks and Scones

Check Please Sticks & Scones

You need to read this RIGHT NOW.

Publisher: First Second