Random (but not really)

Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 – My Year in Reading

Aside from what I may read today, my total books read for 2012 is 160. That’s the second greatest number read after 2006, when I read 164.

2012 Totals - Yearly by Month

November (22) and February (19) were the months I read the most–wonder if that relates to how dreary those months can be, since I also read less than average in March (7) and April (10). (July we were on vacation, so that doesn’t count.)

The total for genre comes out to be more than 160, because many of the books I read fell into multiple categories.

Genre 2012

As always, I read primarily fantasies (104) but those were predominantly supernatural fantasy rather than epic or sword & sorcery. That’s because I’m still not in the mood to commit to authors like Robert Jordan or George RR Martin who write huge books in series that never seem to end.

I still want primarily single book story arcs, and it’s hard to find good S&S that does that.

The number of romances (33) I read (this is almost always a secondary category) went up, but the number of YA books (35) I read doubled. There are a LOT of good YA books out there, and an eReader means I don’t have to lurk the YA section of the book store to find them. (I know there’s nothing wrong with it, but hanging out there made me feel weird.)

I also read several blogs that review a lot of YA, so I’ve discovered plenty more to read–as if my TBR pile wasn’t already huge.

As far as the types of books I’ve read, eBooks has blown away every other category, almost doubling since last year.

Books by Type

The slight increase in hardback books is due almost entirely to the number of cookbooks I read (6). But mostly you can see that eBooks (97) have mostly replaced mass market paperback books (22). I don’t think the number trade paperback books (30) will change, because that category contains comics and graphic novels (15) and I won’t read those in any other format.

And in case you missed them, here are my favorites from 2012.

My Favorite Books of 2012:
YA and Fantasy
Romance and Mystery
Non-Fiction and Comics

Good Covers of 2012:
YA, Romance, and Mystery

And my book blog still lives at Random Reading, and updates to that appear in the sidebar to the right.

So, with all that, any recommendations for me for 2013?

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