Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Random Reading: Cleaned and Organized
As I’ve mentioned previously, I have a book blog, Random Reading. The sidebar here displays the last five books I read and reviewed because–why not?
But in addition to that book blog, I actually have a fairly extensive book site, and I spent much of January cleaning up that site, fixing images, and making sure the books I own/have read are in the site as well as my database.
The most work involved anthologies, which I love. It’s not completed, but a good portion of the work is done. So now, if you go to the anthologies page, and click on an author, say, Ellen Datlow, you see books she’s written as well as anthologies she’s edited. And those anthologies should contain a list of the stories in that volume as well as who wrote that story. And if I have a page for the author of that story, you can click on the authors name to see other things they’ve written.
The top of any author page should have a list of books that author has written, in the order of publication. Many of the book titles are linked to Amazon where you can buy that book if you so desire, and get me a few pennies if you buy after following my link.
The rest of the page contains any reviews I have of that author’s works, including excerpts from anthologies.
As I read more than 100 books a year, and have been keeping a book blog since 2004, there are not an insignificant number of book reviews here.
When applicable, the author’s name at the top of the page should link to that author’s website. I removed a LOT of dead and outdated links on these pages.
The comics pages are slightly different, as they’re grouped by series, since one series may have multiple authors. Keep in mind that I have pretty specific tastes regarding comics, and frequently will recognize that a comic is good, even if I have no desire to every read any more of it.
Because I read a lot, the site is a work in progress. The database isn’t even close to fully linked to the book site for two reasons: I have books I have not read, and I have books I read a long time ago, before I started writing a book blog. But between the two, I’m hoping you can find a fair amount about authors and books you like, even if it’s just the publication order for Discworld. ;)
Oh, most of the site (excluding the Random Reading site, which is backed by Word Press) is hand coded and maintained. Because, when I initially started writing book reviews, that’s how I did it, and because I couldn’t find blogging software to organize things precisely how I wanted them.
And also, because I am a masochist.
So, let me know what you think, and like I said, if you click through to Amazon and then buy a book, I get a couple pennies from that purchase. To feed my book addiction. :)