Random (but not really)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Politics, Clinton, and the Democratic Party

Here is something I will never understand…

Well, let’s take this back a bit first.

I’m a Democrat with a big D. Have been most of my life, although I admit to Libertarian tendencies. But the why is what I want to address here for a moment. I’m a Democrat because the Democratic party is the major party that aligns most with what I believe and hold to be most important.

First and foremost I believe it is my responsibility to care for others. That means it is our responsibility as a country to care for those in need, regardless of who they are. To me, that means providing health health care to those who can’t afford it. It means providing a safety net to keep children and other at risk individuals from slipping through the cracks. It means providing a living wage for all workers. It means providing a quality education for all children, not just the children of the rich who can afford private school. It means preserving our forests and our wildlife for future generations, not just because so future generations can see trees and animals, but because I believe that biodiversity will be critical to the survival of our species. It means protecting the environment, not just for ourselves and our future generations, but for the entire world.

It means that it is our responsibility for look out for those who are most vulnerable, and if that means that some people game the system and take advantage, so be it. We cannot allow the actions of a handful individuals to become an excuse not to care for those in need.

And I believe that the policies of the Democrats are most in-line with these strongly held personal beliefs.

(Don’t even talk to me about the Green Party or any other “third” party. The US is a two party system. That’s the way it is. In order to affect change, at least for now, we have to work within the system. I won’t waste my vote on a third party candidate unless I am opposed to both candidates.)

So where am I going with this?

Where I am going is my disbelief at the rabid Hillary “supporters” who say they refuse to vote for Barak Obama.

Did they not listen to a word she said during her campaign?

Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama hold many similar beliefs, and the differences between them are minimal compared to the difference between them and John McCain. If they truly believed as she did, if they truly felt that her beliefs were their beliefs, then there is no way they could vote for John McCain.

John McCain does not stand for the things that Hillary Clinton finds important. And so to claim that one would prefer to vote for McCain over Obama means to me that these individuals never truly listed to a single word she said. It means they saw her as the flavor of the month and wanted to jump on her bandwagon, but never understood in the slightest what was important to her and what is important to the Democratic Party.

No, I was not a Clinton supporter. I have been saying for years that she has too many liabilities to be elected. But if she had won the primary, you can be damned sure I would have rallied behind her.

Because what is truly important is the system of beliefs for which she stands, and that they match the system of beliefs for which I stand.

Written by Michelle at 8:58 pm    

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Categories: Politics,Religion & Philosophy  

Shawn Powers Activate!

Go vote for Shawn! I mean it! He’s beating Westley Crusher!

Written by Michelle at 4:20 pm    

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Categories: Computers & Technology,UCF  

This Does Not Bode Well

I come in and one of the first things I discover is that one of the two computers in my office I use for tutoring sessions is totally hosed.

And I have a tutoring session this morning.

Written by Michelle at 7:50 am    

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Categories: Computers & Technology  


Well, it’s Sunday night (you didn’t really think I wrote all those 8:00 AM posts that early did you?!) and I’m still tired and cranky.

Despite a long nap on Saturday and sleeping in on Sunday.

Not sure what this means for work on Monday (or today when you’re reading this) but I doubt it’s good. if it wasn’t so hot I’d go make some cookies, but it’s almost 9:00 PM and it’s 79 F outside, which means it’s really too hot to turn on the oven. I spent all summer looking at countertop toaster/convection ovens, and think I’d really like one, but we spent enough this summer that I couldn’t justify the expense.

But I think I will get one before next summer, because it would be really nice to be able to make a single batch of cookies without heating up the entire house. Especially since I tend to keep frozen cookie dough balls in the freezer. So if anyone has one or has any recommendations, let me know.

Now I think I’m going to curl up and think of all the chocolate baked desserts I’m going to make once it gets cooler.

Written by Michelle at 12:00 am    

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Categories: Depression,Food  

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bonus Cat Blogging

There’s been a cat wandering around the neighborhood all summer. She belongs to someone in the neighborhood who foolishly allows her to wander free.

Why foolishly? Because I live on a very busy road, where cars speed by day and night. Perhaps they don’t realize she wanders as far as she does. At least I hope. Because I’d hate to think someone would place their pet into danger on purpose.

And why do I say “she”? Because Kat doesn’t freak out horrifically when she wanders by, and he has pitched loud, hissy, and somewhat frightening fits when other cats have wandered by in the past.

So why the pictures? Because she has a beautiful and unusual pattern and coloring.



Here she is making herself at home in our yard.

Written by Michelle at 11:53 am    

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Categories: Cats,Photos  

Sunday Flower Pr0n

Wow. I hadn’t realized what a slow flower month August was.


Written by Michelle at 11:40 am    

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Categories: House & Garden,Photos  

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mmm! Food!

(There are 100 items. List after the cut.)

Directions: Copy this list into your blog or journal, including these instructions. Bold all the items you’ve eaten. Cross out any items that you would never consider eating.

Written by Michelle at 6:55 pm    

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Categories: Food  

Any Questions, Hesitate to Call

Heh. I love Val Kilmer in this movie.

Written by Michelle at 11:16 am    

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Categories: Uncategorized  

Friday, August 22, 2008


Written by Michelle at 8:10 pm    

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Categories: Non-Sequiturs  

Friday Cat Blogging

Yes, Kat is the more photogenic of the two. He also doesn’t blend into the floors the way she does, although that’s not a problem here in the basement.




Written by Michelle at 8:00 am    

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Categories: Cats,Photos  

Thursday, August 21, 2008


(Under the cut, because Imeem seems to delay page loading.)


Written by Michelle at 8:34 pm    

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Categories: Depression  

Michelle’s Day So Far


Written by Michelle at 1:24 pm    

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Categories: Non-Sequiturs  


For Nathan (and anyone else having a cranky day.)

Written by Michelle at 8:35 am    

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Categories: Non-Sequiturs  

Word Association Part II

To keep from falling afoul of the spam filters, enter the previous answer and your response.


Written by Michelle at 8:00 am    

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Categories: Non-Sequiturs  
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