Scavenger Hunt Results: WIN Edition
Typo – This picture didn’t turn out at all.
WIN – Chocolate pudding with fresh strawberries and whipped cream
Typo – This picture didn’t turn out at all.
WIN – Chocolate pudding with fresh strawberries and whipped cream
Today’s word is: strawberry
This is a good spring for flowers.
Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla As you can see, we have naturally acidic soil here.
Went to Coopers Rock State Forest yesterday, and hiked to Henry Clay Iron Furnace then onto Rock City and then back.
Which is how I got those 100 flights of stairs yesterday. :)
Lots of interesting things, but the light was kinda meh.
This is a question I’ve been asked several times in recent months. As with the PC or Mac question, the answer is, again: it depends.
But getting to this answer is, I think, a little easier, and boils down to: what do you want to do with it?
Watch movies?
Read books?
Surf the internet?
If you do a fair amount to typing, you will hate not having a keyboard.
If you want to watch movies, you’ll probably prefer a tablet, since it’s a whole lot lighter than any laptop.
If you want to read a lot of books, you might want to consider getting an eInk reader, which is much easier on the eyes, is lighter, and has a significantly longer battery life.
If you want to be able to pull the thing out of your pocket and play games or surf the internet while you’re waiting or bored, you’ll want a tablet.
If this is going to be your primary tech device while you travel, you might be better off with a laptop, since in addition to having a keyboard, a should also have USB ports, SD card reader, etc.
Essentially, think carefully about what you want to do with it and how you want to do it. Do you want to lie on the sofa and watch movies? Do you want to curl up in a chair and read books? Do you want to sit down in comfort and type emails etc? Imagine doing these tasks with each of these devices and decide which device will provide the least amount of frustration when doing most of your tasks.
This is a complicated question, and one that usually gets you fervent, partisan responses. I’m going to try really hard to give you an objective, reasoned response here.
The answer is: it depends.
There are multiple questions that will influence the answer.
First, it depends upon what you want to do with your computer. Do you want to play games? Is it for work? Or just send email and surf the internet?
This is the most important question.
If you want to play games, you need to take a look at the games you want to play, and see what platforms those games come on. I’m not a gamer, but many gamers prefer PCs, because they are more customizable and easier to upgrade.
If you’re going to use your computer for work, and your work uses PCs, you’ll most likely want to stick with a PC. Changing between systems is annoying. Although Office 2011 for the Mac is mostly compatible with Office 2010 for the PC, there CAN be problems. And the Mac version is missing some of the programs the PC version has.
If you just want to check your email and surf the internet, it doesn’t matter what kind of computer you have.
If you have a hobby, check into what is the best software for that hobby, and see what platform those programs require. Talk to other people with the same hobby, and see what they recommend. I have a DSLR (Digital single-lens reflex) camera, so when I bought my latest laptop, I made sure it a) had an SD card reader b) had lots of USB ports and 3) fit into my camera bag.
Second, how much money do you have to spend?
Macs are WAY more expensive than PCs, and you can get a low-end PC for netbook for significantly less than you’d pay for a Mac. Of course, you then have a low end PC which, depending on what you want to do, may or may not be sufficient for those purposes.
Another important consideration is that you can relatively easily upgrade a PC to make your system better/faster. So if you have a small initial budget you might consider a computer that you can upgrade over time, upgrading parts as you nave the money. BUT, this is something you have to be willing to do. (See: point the fourth.)
Third, what kinds of computers do your friends use?
If you have questions, it is sometimes best to have the same kind of computer as your friends and family. Even if they aren’t necessarily technically savvy, you may be able to help each other out with basic questions: How do I change the size of my windows? How do I video chat?
But if all your friends and family have Macs and you get a PC, they aren’t going to be able to help you with ANYTHING.
Fourth, how much do you want to fuss with your computer? Would you like to upgrade it and make changes as time passes or do you never ever want to do anything more difficult than plugging it in?
As I said before, as long as you’re careful with your initial purchase, you can upgrade individual components, one at a time, to make your system better. But you have to be willing to do this.
If you want to plug it in and have it just work, get a Mac. They’re stable, they do things for you automatically, and you rarely have to worry about dealing with problems of any sort. But you will pay a not insignificant price for this. And you’re pretty much going to be stuck with your system as it is.
If you currently have one type of system but want to switch to a different system, be aware you will have to repurchase any software you regularly use.
That’s the long answer.
The short answer is: there is no “best” computer for everyone. The right computer for you to buy is the one that does what you want it to do, and causes you the least headache and frustration.
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