
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Taxes and TARDIS

Monday, August 10, 2020

Taxes and TARDIS (2012) N.R. Walker

Taxes and TARDISBrent Kelly and his shoe-box of receipts are about to meet his new accountant. But Logan Willis isn’t old, but is instead Brent’s age, and wearing a startlingly blue shirt. Logan is nothing like the kind of guy Brent usually likes, but then Brent generally doesn’t see the same guy more than once.

The POV remains with Brent the entire time, which I think works particularly well for a novella, since it keeps us from knowing precisely what the second character is thinking.

Brent is strong and good looking, and although he has a good job and a best friend who is also his roommate, he doesn’t really believe he’s good enough for Logan.

“Are you going to see him again?”

I nodded. “I sure hope so.”

“Holy shit!”

“I know, it’s weird,” I admitted with a smile.

“When do I get to meet him?”

I looked at him, horrified. “I don’t want to scare him!”

(H)e grinned. “Well, this guy must be something special. You’ve never cleaned up for anyone before.”

“Well, I don’t want him to think we live like pigs.”

Tim snorted. “But we do live like pigs.”

I looked at my housemate. “Well, Logan doesn’t. His place is clean and organized and expensive and… and…”

“And gay?” he deadpanned.

I rolled my eyes at him. “I just want the place to look nice.” I looked around the living room at the old mismatched furniture, and I amended it with, “Well, I want it to look clean.”

Brent and Tim bantering amused me very much, because they are very much best friends, even if they give each other shit all the time.

While Logan on the other hand is small and delicate and spent a lot of time being bullied.

For a novella it does a good job of showing time passing as the two get to know each other better.

It’s a very sweet story, and although there was a fair amount of boinking, there was also a lot of dialog between both Brent and Logan AND Brent and Tim.

Publisher: Blue Heart Press
Rating: 7.5/10

Categories: 7.5/10, Novella, Queer, Romance, Sexual Content

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