
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Model Investigator

Friday, August 27, 2021

Model Investigator (2017) Lissa Kasey (Haven Investigations)

Model InvestigatorBack to Ollie, this book takes off after the events of the previous book–which ended on a cliffhanger.

First and foremost, this is one of the few mysteries I’ve ever read that actually has characters deal with some of the real-life consequences of repeated concussion.

The sparkles around the edges of my vision were sort of becoming the norm. I didn’t really notice them much anymore unless I was trying to find something and got distracted by them, like I was in that moment as I stood in my bedroom closet. It was like if I stared long enough at the edges, the sparkle would fade. Only it never did, it sort of intensified the longer I focused on it, eating away at my vision until eventually I’d lose use of at least one eye. Sometimes both.

Ollie’s second serious concussion only a few months after his previous causes serious and long-term damage.

Also, the mystery continues. I’ve barely mentioned the mystery in these reviews, because I love the interactions and relationships in these stories so very much, but the mystery is also worth noting. Here Ollie is trying to figure out why everyone thinks Kade was a monster who beat people up and tortured animals.

But as with the previous books, Kade and Ollie are still trying to protect each other from their struggles.

It was a bad feeling, knowing the depression had crept up and was already drowning me before I had realized it.

Once again, as soon as I finished this book I bought the next and immediately started reading.

Publisher: Layer Kake Publishing, LLC
Rating: 9/10


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