
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

A Poisoned Season

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Poisoned Season (2007) Tasha Alexander

A Poisoned SeasonI read the first book in this series several years ago, and was singularly unimpressed. Not the the writing or the characters, but because it was (like this book) subtitled: A Novel of Suspense.

I still disagree with that subtitle, but after enough time had passed, I decided to read the second book, keeping in mind that what I was picking up was a romance rather than a mystery.

That made the book much more enjoyable this time around.

Lady Emily is dreading this social season–the first season in which she could participate since the untimely death of her husband in the first book. She likes to dance, but finds much of the socializing rather tedious, and would prefer to spend time curled up in her home learning Greek.

Making a splash this season is a gentleman who claims to be the descendent of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI. And while this gentleman is parading around claiming to be their heir to the French throne, someone is breaking into houses and stealing items associated with Marie Antoinette

And then there’s Colin. Emily loves Colin, but is resisting getting remarried, because she enjoys being independent and doesn’t want to bow to societies whims.

Mystery was okay. What I found most interesting was Emily’s place in society. As a widow, she remained on her late husband’s estates only at the sufferance of his family–once a nephew was old enough, she would be (gently) removed from the house.

It was a very startling reminder that things are very different now than they were then–that as a wife/widow the estates belonged to the family and she remained there only because they allowed her to do so.

Once again making me glad I live in the future.

As with the previous book, the focus was primarily upon the romance. The characters were interesting which made up for the mystery not being particularly strong.

So, and interesting diversion and escape.
Rating: 6.5/10

Published by Harper


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