Trail of Dead
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Trail of Dead (2013) Melissa F. Olson
The sequel to Dead Spots, it wasn’t horrible, but I would kick this book out of bed for eating crackers in an instant.
I still liked the idea of the story. And the mystery was interesting. But I hated… no, I take that back, I despised the love triangle. It was unnecessary, and I found it unbelievable.
I mean, take this description:
I may have forgotten to mention that even in a town full of movie stars, Jesse is alarmingly gorgeous, with dark Latino good looks on a muscled frame. He makes those perpetually topless Abercrombie & Fitch guys look like homely wannabes.
Yeah. Whatever.
I generally dislike tortured lovers in books, but these were exceptionally frustrating. I don’t see what either Eli OR Jesse saw in her–well, I saw what Eli saw in her–an escape from being a werewolf, which seems to be a pretty nice bonus for him. But to put up with all her shit?
And really, she made some patently stupid moves.
Here are the notes I made while reading.
Note one, page 166: “Idiot.”
Note two, page 173: “Moron. You have a damned cell phone. Use it.”
I did enjoy the mystery and world building, but it wasn’t worth putting up with all the rest of the crap.
Rating: 4/10
Published by 47North
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