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Archive for 'Super Hero'

Ex Machina Vol 3: Fact v Fiction

Ex Machina Vol 3: Fact v Fiction (2006) Brian K. Vaughan Ex Machina Vol 3: Fact v Fiction Now that I’m all caught up on Ex Machina, I suppose I have a six month wait or so before the next collection comes out. Luckily, I have one or two other things around here to read. […]

Ex Machina Vol 2: Tag

Ex Machina Vol 2: Tag (2005) Brian K. Vaughan Tag continues the story of Mitchell Hundred, also known as The Great Machine, and current mayor of NYC. Like the first volume, the story jumps back and forth in time. This time the past focuses upon his campaign for mayor of NYC, and how he became […]

Rising Stars: Visitations

Rising Stars: Visitations (2002) J. Michael Straczynski Published between Power and Fire and Ash, Visitations gives some background stories. The first story, Rising Starts, is a quick history of what caused the specials, an excerpt of Dr Wells’ diary, and the Supreme Court opinion on how the specials were to be treated as children. Plus […]

Rising Stars

Rising Stars: Born in Fire (2001) Power (2002) Fire and Ash (2005) J. Michael Straczynski Wow. When I asked for comic recommendations, Tom gave me several suggestions. The one I found locally was Rising Stars. Initially I only picked up the first volume, however I saw that all three volumes were there, so I figure […]