
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Monthly Archive July, 2015

Half-Resurrection Blues

Half-Resurrection Blues (2015) Daniel José Older It is well-known by anyone who has more than a passing acquaintance with me that I do not like zombies. I f’ing HATE zombies. So I was quite hesitant about this book, because the main character is half-dead / half-alive, which, to me, sounds like a zombie. Carlos Delacruz […]

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2005/2008) Stieg Larsson translated by Reg Keeland I read this the summer I broke my ankle. Because of that, much of my memory of it was fuzzy, both because I read a lot that summer and because I was taking a lot of pain killers. So I figured I […]

Wickedly Dangerous

Wickedly Dangerous (2014) Deborah Blake It’s no secret that I love folk and fairy tales, and since I first read about her hut on chicken legs, I have loved Baba Yaga. She’s a witch who is sometimes wicked, but sometimes not. Nobody insulted her house. Not even in the old days when it was a […]

Summer Campaign

Summer Campaign (2012) Carla Kelly Set in England in ~1813. Major Jack Beresford is returning home from four years of campaigning, much in Spain. He (like other soldiers) has seen and lived horrors, but he is now returning back to England, and to Yorkshire. Onyx Hamilton is about to make the match she has been […]

The Girl of Hrusch Avenue

The Girl of Hrusch Avenue (2013) Brian McClellan This is a Powder Mage Short Story, and I’m not quite sure where I picked it up. Vlora is an orphan, fascinated by the muskets and rifles and pistols of the gunsmiths, and is enthralled by the smell and smoke of black powder. But Vlora is living […]

The Very Best of Charles de Lint

The Very Best of Charles de Lint (2010) Charles de Lint In Which We Meet Jilly Coppercorn Coyote Stories Laughter in the Leaves The Badger in the Bag And the Rafters Were Ringing Merlin Dreams in the Mondream Wood The Stone Drum Timeskip Freewheeling A Wish Named Arnold Into the Green The Graceless Child Winter […]


Spellbinder (2015) C.C. Hunter This is a Shadow Falls novella, and gives us some of Miranda Kane’s story. Plus Della and Kylie. “…And then she fell to her knees like in that epic movie, Gone to the Breeze, I think that was the name of it, where the heroine yells out, ‘I shall never go […]

  • July 1st, 2015
  • Categories: Fantasy


Unbreakable (2014) C.C. Hunter Chase Tallman appeared in the Shadow Falls series, and although we know he’s in love with Della, we don’t know much else about him. This story gives us a glimpse into his life–when he was first changed, and how it happened. First, I do enjoy how CC Hunter writes teens. Chase […]