
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Enchanters’ Endgame

Enchanters’ Endgame (1984) David Eddings The Belgariad concludes with Enchanters’ Endgame. This is another of my favorite books, primarily because I love Garion and Belgarath and Silk traveling through Gar Og Nadrak. And Silk and Yarblek are perfect partners. But not only is it fun to see them travel through Gar Og Nadrak, I quite […]

Castle of Wizardry

Castle of Wizardry (1984) David Eddings The fourth book in David Edding’s Belgariad finds Garion and the rest of the company returning to Riva. Belgarath has collapsed from exhaustion, and events conspire to place Garion in command of the group. We also see him quickly developing his skills with the Will and the World, as […]

Magician’s Gambit

Magician’s Gambit (1983) David Eddings The third book in the Belgariad has never been my favorite. This book starts with Ce’Nedra’s point of view, and I just never really got Ce’Nedra and always found her annoying. Doesn’t mean the book isn’t good, just that I’m not a fan of Ce’Nedra’s or of reading her point […]

Queen of Sorcery

Queen of Sorcery (1982) David Eddings The cover is coming off my copy of the second book of the Belgariad, Queen of Sorcery. As with the previous book, the spine is bent and the corners are rounded, but like the first book it’s from multiple readings and being carried around and shoved into pockets and […]

Pawn of Prophecy

Pawn of Prophecy (1982) David Eddings I was given a used copy of The Belgariad series in college as part of a gift exchange where I worked. This was the series that returned me to being a reader and got me back into reading fantasy, which I hadn’t done since I was much younger. My […]