
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Voice of the Violin, Audio Edition

Voice of the Violin, Audible Version (1997/2003/2008) Andrea Camilleri translated by Stephen Sartarelli narrated by Grover Gardner This book begins the slow and slight redemption of Catarella. “Oh, Chief, I got another streamly impoitant ting to tell ya. Somebody from Montelusa Central called to talk to me in poisson, Inspector Whatsizname, Tontona.” “Tortona.” “Whatever’s ’is […]

The Snack Thief, Audio Edition

The Snack Thief, Audible Version (1996/2003/2007) Andrea Camilleri translated by Stephen Sartarelli narrated by Grover Gardner The third Inspector Montalbano book. Montalbano’s relationship with Augello is quite antagonistic. Catarella is still an idiot, and although he argues with Livia, their relationships isn’t quite as hostile as it has gotten in later books. When the spaghetti […]

The Terra Cotta Dog, Audio Edition

The Terra Cotta Dog, Audio Edition (1996/2002/2007) Andrea Camilleri translated by Stephen Sartaelli narrated by Grover Gardner I do enjoy this series, and I’m glad that Michael is enjoying listening to it (since I couldn’t get him to read it). We see Montalbano become fascinated with a murder that happened during WWII–a completely inexplicable tableau. […]

The Shape of Water, Audio Version

The Shape of Water, Audible Version (1994/2006) Andrea Camilleri narrated by Grover Gardner I’ve been trying for years to convince Michael to read Andrea Camilleri’s Inspector Montalbano series. Finally, on a long drive, he agreed to listen to the audio book. He liked it. Just as I knew he would. At first, it felt weird […]