
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Daughter of Fortune

Daughter of Fortune (1999) Isabel Allende So, I started reading this book in 2006 or possibly even 2005. No, seriously. I never gave up, because I did want to find out what happened, however, the book ended up at work, as my “OMG! I have an appointment and I don’t have a book!” book. But […]


Zorro (2005) Isabel Allende translated by Margaret Sayers Peden As I’ve mentioned before, I love swashbuckling adventures, and as swashbuckling adventurers go, Zorro is one of my favorites. Last summer, when “The Legend of Zorro” was out, I saw this book, but assumed it was related to the movie, and didn’t pick it up. My […]

Kingdom of the Golden Dragon

Kingdom of the Golden Dragon (2004) Isabel Allende Translated by Margaret Sayers Peden Alexander Cold asks his grandmother, Kate, if he can accompany her on her latest expedition for International Geographic, this time to a remote country in the Himalayas. A country nicknamed The Forbidden Kingdom, because of its far location and the fact that […]

Abandoned Books

More on books I’ve started to read, and just couldn’t get into. Typically, if I abandon a book, it’s within the first fifty or so pages. Again, feel free to tell me if I should continue on, because the book gets better. There are several books that I’ve had a hard time getting into, but […]