It Takes Two to Tumble (2017) Cat Sebastian (Seducing the Sedgwicks) Set in England in 1817 “You have no right—” “No, I don’t. I don’t care, though. I’m not leaving your children alone with a virtual stranger who doesn’t seem kindly disposed to them.” Phillip sucked in a breath. “I have no intention of harming […]
- May 5th, 2023
- Categories: 9/10, British, Comfort Read, eBook, Historical, Mental Health Rep, Neurodiversity, Physical Health, Queer, Reread, Romance, Sexual Content
It Takes Two to Tumble (2017) Cat Sebastian (Seducing the Sedgwicks) Set in England in 1817. Comfort reread. I felt so aggravated by the time I finished the 4th book of the Parasol Protectorate I needed something I knew I was going to love. Since I had just recommended this to someone, I decided it […]
- February 24th, 2021
- Categories: 8.5/10, British, Comfort Read, eBook, Historical, Neurodiversity, Queer, Reread, Romance, Sexual Content
A Gentleman Never Keeps Score (2018) Cat Sebastian (Seducing the Sedgwicks) Set in London in 1817 This is a reread, but one of a different type. I did a group read with several people on the the reddit r/romancebooks, where we read five chapters then chatted about all our thoughts. As may be blindingly obvious […]
Two Rogues Make a Right (2020) Cat Sebastian (Seducing the Sedgwicks) Set in London ~1817-1818 Will Sedgwick’s best friend, Martin Easterbrook, had been found fevered and somewhat delusional in the attic of Hartley Sedgwick’s home (a home that by rights should have belonged to Martin). So Will stole him away to the country in the […]
- October 14th, 2020
- Categories: 8/10, Ace, British, eBook, Good Cover, Historical, Mental Health Rep, Physical Health, Queer, Romance, Sexual Content
A Gentleman Never Keeps Score (2018) Cat Sebastian (Seducing the Sedgwicks) Set in London in 1817. Hartley Sedgwick has been hiding in the house left to him by his godfather–a house he earned, that is now almost a prison as rumors have swirled about just what Hartley did to earn that house, and the livings […]
It Takes Two to Tumble (2017) Cat Sebastian (Seducing the Sedgwicks) Set in England in 1817. Imagine the sound of music, except with three kids, Maria is a local vicar, and the sea captain is hiding his reading disability. The children of Barton Hall have been running wild since their mother died. Their father is […]
A Gentleman Never Keeps Score (2018) Cat Sebastian (Seducing the Sedgwicks) Set in London in 1817 Sam Fox is an ex-boxer and a Free Black–a pillar of his community who tries to help others as he was helped by this before him. Some black families, like Sam’s mother’s people, had been in England for centuries. […]
It Takes Two to Tumble (2017) Cat Sebastian (Seducing the Sedgwicks) Set in England in 1817 Ben Sedgwick is happy being the vicar of Kirkby Barton. He is engaged to the girl who has been his best friend since childhood, and he feels comfortable about his calling. He might not want to, but when he […]