
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

It Takes Two to Tumble

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

It Takes Two to Tumble (2017) Cat Sebastian (Seducing the Sedgwicks)

It Takes Two to TumbleSet in England in 1817.

Comfort reread.

I felt so aggravated by the time I finished the 4th book of the Parasol Protectorate I needed something I knew I was going to love.

Since I had just recommended this to someone, I decided it was what I needed to read.

(H)he had finally gotten it into his head that he was supposed to spend less time roaming about the countryside and more time inside his church. But he still preferred the duties that took him out of doors, visiting people and working with his hands. As far as he was concerned, he was serving his God by repairing fences and helping round up stray lambs.

And this is just to note questions that came up in the second book.

“If this is about Hartley, save your breath. Tell your vicar that I’m not going to drag his brother to court to contest my father’s will. I can’t afford the fees, and I can’t figure out how to do the thing without exposing my father for what he was, even though I have the letters to prove it. And that would quite ruin me, as well as getting Hartley put in the pillory, which would make me look a proper arse.”

This reread was just what I needed.

Publisher : Avon Impulse


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