
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Silence of the Grave

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Silence of the Grave (2002/2005) Arnaldur Indridason translated by Bernard Scudder

Silence-of-the-GraveThis is the second book I’ve read by Arnaldur Indri?dason, and the second in his Inspector Erlendur series.

This mystery is also quite different from other mysteries I typically read, but also quite good.

There are two parts to the story–the tale set in the past of a battered woman and her life with her abuser and children, and the tale set in the current, where human bones are discovered in a construction zone.

First thing of note, I found the discovery of the bones (at least the discovery by the adults) to be both hilarious and rather disconcerting. It’s so very vivid and startling, but also something that one that does not seem at all far fetched.

Second thing of note, was the life of the abused woman–it was absolutely horrifying, and a reminder of how much things have changed. When police would show up at a house, find a woman bruised, bloody, and battered, and tell her she must have provoked her husband. And attempts to escape are foiled and fail. That portion of the story was heart breaking. Especially her realization that she cannot leave. She can only endure.

I was also quite amused by the archaeologist brought in to uncover the bones.

She listened to him rambling away until she lost her patience. “How long has he been in there?” she asked.

“Difficult to say,” the geologist said in his deep voice, assuming an academic pose. “It needn’t be long.”

“How long is that, geologically speaking?” Elínborg asked. “A thousand years? Ten?”

And of course, I continue to be fascinated by Erlendur. Probably because I can appreciate his darkness.

Spring and summer were not Erlendur’s seasons. Too bright. Too frivolous. He wanted heavy, dark winters.

Heavy, dark winters. I too appreciate them.

Again, I’m glad that Amazon offered these books on sale, else I might not have come across them, and that would be a shame.
Rating: 8/10

Published by Picador



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