Color Outside the Lines
Friday I led a work hike up Ravens Rock trail.
We started the hike at nine, so there was still a little fog when we reached the rocks.
It was a perfect morning for a hike.
Saturday we decided to take a scenic drive with occasional stops to hike.
Our first stop was Seneca Rocks. From the visitor center we could see how busy things were upon the rocks, so we walked around a bit and then headed off to our next destination.
We hit the Blackwater River trail at Canaan Valley much later than normal, so the light was different.
Not at all bad, but the things I normally look at were in the shade.
I was pleased to be able to see things I don’t normally.
It had been several years since we’d been to Freeland Boardwalk. The entire thing has been completely replaced and rerouted in areas.
Last we went to the Beall’s Trails area in Canaan Valley Wildlife Refuge.
Just a short hike, but gorgeous, even though most trees were past peak.