Just wandered over the Hillbilly Sophisticate, and saw that S is going to be participating in NaNo this year. So head on over and give her some support! Of course, if she’s going to write 50k words in November, she might not have much time to read or respond to comments and e-mails.
Me, I’m going to do what I tried a couple years ago: I am going to try again to write every day. I’m going to pick up the story I dropped when my last bout of depression started (that’d be ~Jan 2006 for those keeping track) look at what needs revised, and then take it from there. I’d like to finish the story by the end of the year, but that’s a moving target rather than a hard goal.
After I finish that, I have a possible idea basis for the start of another story, from a very strange dream involving Victorian morals and dress, and rock concerts with electric guitars. (Kind of a twist on steampunk I suppose. But who can tell what my brain comes up with.)
So I’ll give you occasional updates, just to keep me honest. And feel free to heckle me if I don’t post any updates, because that probably means I’m slacking off.
(FWIW, I did some revisions on my story on the way to Florida. Gutted about half of the prologue, and started rewriting things that didn’t make as much sense as the could, in retrospect. Once the characters start living in my head again, I think I’ll be okay.)
A man has been placed on the sex offenders’ register after being caught trying to have sex with a bicycle.
The best part is there is a large full color picture of the man (NOT NEKKID) in the story, so it’s not just that his name is out there, now we know exactly what he looks like.
But really, I mean… HOW?!
Any Steven Brust fans out there will want to check out this rendition of The Cycle.
I think I’d be either a Tsalmoth or a Lyron. But I want to be an Issola. Too bad I can’t achieve the grace required for the courtliness.
Let’s see… here’s a tentative classification of people I know (I’m not going only by the chart, but also from characters in the books):
erin: Tiassa
My brother: Orca
S: Hawk
Michael: Vallista
C at War on Folly: Hawk or Chreotha
jedijawa: Iorich
Andy: Dzur or Dragon
Daniel: Yendi or Jhereg Lyorn (I think he has a good bit of Jhereg though)
Hmm… maybe I’ll play some more with this later….
According to this fun and exciting quiz, I don’t have asperger’s or autism. Yippee!
I’ve raved about Jungle Jim’s before (though most of my raving occurs in person), and how when we’re in Cincinnati visiting friends we HAVE to go to Jungle Jim’s because it is THE most amazing store ever.
Well, you don’t have to take just my word for it, Neil Gaiman likes Jungle Jim’s too!
Whenever I drive across America — which isn’t often — I try and stop in at Jungle Jim’s on the way back. And not just for the UK food, but for the amazing variety of world food. It’s an amazing place. Would that all supermarkets could have that magic.
See! If Neil Gaiman thinks it’s cool, then it MUST be cool!
I’m listening to the post game show (this game sounded so much better than last weeks game) and I have to say that the more time passes, the more I like Pat White. During the post game interview not only did he sound polite and modest, but he also complimented his teammates.
Everyone else may want Steve Slaton for the Heisman, and don’t get me wrong, he’s really good, but me, I really like Pat White. So here it is: Dear Pat White, please keep being a nice guy.
I’m very glad that the end of the month is turning out to be nothing at all like the start of the month.
For further good news, my Dad’s PSA was 0.0, which it never was, even following his surgery. So it looks like the radiation therapy was effective. Which is a huge relief.
So, here’s another post that isn’t cranky or whiny! Yippee! Meanwhile, I’m just going to enjoy things going well, one day at a time.
(settles down in front of computer)
Okay Internet! Let’s go! Entertain me! Michael’s working all weekend long and as long days scheduled Monday and Tuesday, so I’m ready to be entertained! Let’s go!
(wanders off to read four or five books)
Welcome Hannah Rose!
Congratulations Kim & Mike! At a month early, 7 lbs 3 oz is pretty good!
I can’t wait to see pictures!
Michelle: (muttering to self while working on database) Books. Books. Books. Books…
Michael: You sound like a zombie.
Michelle: (adding sepulcher tone to muttering) Boooooks! Boooooooks! Boooooooks!
Michael: Great. You’ve turned into a book zombie.
I was just thinking that it’s probably just as important to write about the good days as it is the bad, so here’s the update on my depression: The vacation did wonders for me. I’ve been in a great mood for two weeks now. I’m relaxed and calm and the little niggling details that were pushing me over the edge a month ago are being taken in stride.
Of course my grandmother is still visiting my aunt, so in addition to being relaxed, I’m also not worried about her right now, which is helping to keep my stress levels low. I’m hoping that by the time she comes back from her visit to fawn over the new cousins I’ll have stabilized my mood even further, and be better able to deal with the day to day stresses.
And I have also finally admitted that her living with us does cause me some stress. Pretending that the addition of a third person into our small house was not stressful was stupid and foolish on my part, because if I am unwilling to admit to the stress, then there’s not way in the hell I can actually DEAL with the stress. So there it is. Being stressed doesn’t mean I mean I love her less or want her to move out. It just means I’m stressed and need to find healthy ways to cope.
Additionally, I’ve finally given up on the Rec Center, and we went today to join HealthWorks. If I can’t get out of bed to go to the Rec in the morning, then I won’t got to the gym that day, because it’s not worth going to the Rec in the afternoon. But we can go the HealthWorks immediately after work, so I can start exercising again, which should also positively influence my mood.
So there is plenty that’s good in my life. My OCD still sometimes feels like it wants to slip out of control, but my anxiety and depression are very low right, which is a very good thing. And recognizing that this is a pretty important thing to note.
So work on the database is going well. Today I got the database to insert new books (this is harder than it sounds, because it involves three tables, and inserting multiple records into the same field of one of those tables.
If anyone wants to see, lemme know and I’ll send you the link.
Next step, creating a registration page, so I don’t have someone dump crap into my database or delete everything, thus ruining my hard work. (Not a problem right now, because once I’m done designing I’m going to purge the database and re-import my data before I, like, actually start using it.)
Okay, I have to admit that I love reading cute overload, even though sometimes it’s just way too twee, and I usually am annoyed by the titles and comments.
But THIS! This is amazing!
I warned Michael, but he looked and immediately said, “Oh My Gosh! That is SO CUTE!”
So you have been warned.