
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Fatal Voyage

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fatal Voyage (2001) Kathy Reichs

fatal_voyageThis time Tempe finds herself in the North Carolina woods helping with the recovery of a plane crash.

The forensics this time were about recovering bodies from a terrible accident, and the procedures used not only in the chain of evidence, but also to put the remains of the victims together. Also, we got a brief look at the analysis that can help determine whether a soil was near a decomposing corpse.

I really liked the mystery this time. I’m resigned to the fact that Tempe is going to keep getting herself into trouble, so am ignoring that for the mysteries and this one was good.

SPOILER (rot 13)

V cnegvphyneyl yvxrq ubj gur riragf zvatyrq naq frrzrq eryngrq ol npghnyyl jrer abg. Vg frrzrq ernfbanoyr gung obql cnegf jbhyq or nffhzrq gb or cneg bs gur cynar penfu, ohg nf gurl nggrzcgrq gb qrgrezvar jub gur sbbg orybatrq gb, guvatf orpnzr zber naq zber pbzcyrk.

V nyfb yvxrq ubj gur fgbarjnyyvat jbexrq. V rkcrpgrq sebz gur fgneg gur tbireabe jnf vaibyirq va fbzrguvat qvegl, ohg V qvqa’g rkcrpg vg gb rkcnaq orlbaq uvz. V nyfb yvxrq ubj gur zrzoref bs gur pbzzhavgl xarj fbzrguvat jnf jebat va gur nern, naq nf gurl jrer hanoyr gb qrsvar gur ceboyrz, oynzrq vg ba Fngna naq rivy.

V jnf nyfb tynq gb frr Grzcr svanyyl qrny jvgu ure eryngvbafuvc jvgu ure rk-uhfonaq–rira vs vg qvq gnxr n jbzna nafjrevat gur cubar gb znxr ure ernyvmr gung qrpvfvba.


As with the previous books, you should be able to read Fatal Voyage without having read the previous books in the series. I’m definitely enjoying this series, both the forensic science and the mystery.
Rating: 7/10

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