
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

A Dangerous Madness

Thursday, February 7, 2019

A Dangerous Madness (2014) Michelle Diener

Set in England in 1812.

Miss Phoebe Hillier was bethrothed to Sheldrake at the insistence of both their families. But when Sheldrake breaks their engagement, she feels relief more than anything else.

She had all but accepted the anger and the frustration as constant companions, but Sheldrake cutting her free, the incidents of the last day, opened her eyes to how big they had grown, hulking beasts that rubbed up against her. Crowding her and making her life smaller.

James, Duke of Wittaker, has been spying on the more radical elements of the ton for years. But he has tired of the game, and recent events have left him wanting to become more than he is seen to be. But the murder of the Prime Minister means he must return to that side of society, in an attempt to discover if there was a conspiracy.

The incompetence of the Home Secretary was so well-known, neither even remarked on it. Perceval had appointed Richard Ryder to the post because he was a loyal friend, not because he was capable of doing the job. The prime minister wanted someone who would comply with his plans, and as a result, it was widely known that Perceval himself attended to most of Ryder’s duties, because the man himself was incapable of doing it.

It had made Perceval Chancellor of the Exchequer, Prime Minister and also the de facto Home Secretary. It had given him full control of government.

This story is linked to the previous two, but I read them all out of order, so there’s not difficulty in reading only a single book in the series.

I do love the characters in this books. I love the back and forth, how the characters have distinct personalities, and I love the stories.

Plus, it has a lovely lovely bit towards the end that always delights me.

He bent his head and rested his forehead on hers. “I just wanted you to know, for me, there is no going back. You have me completely captivated. I have no plan to end our liaison. And I would make it permanent as soon as you give me your answer.”

“I’d take him up on that, luv.”

Phoebe looked up, blinking back the rain, and saw three women hanging out of their windows, mindless of the soaking they were getting, watching them with smiles on their faces.

“He looks like a nob in that fancy coat, even though he’s soaked through an’ all. And he likes to cuddle you close. That’s always a good sign.”

That cracks me up every time I read it.
Rating: 8.5/10


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