Secrets in the Mist (2016) Anna Lee Huber Set in East Anglia in 1812 It was balm for my bruised pride to hear him apologize, but it did not change what had happened. The hurt did not miraculously vanish, nor did the discomfort his presence caused me. I knew what was coming, like following a […]
When Blood Lies, Audiobook (2022) C.S. Harris narrated by Jenny Sterlin (Sebastian St. Cyr #17) Set in Paris in 1815 Sebastian and Hero have traveled to Paris in the hopes of finally finding Sebastian’s mother. Unfortunately, she is murdered before Sebastian can ask her her about his father, and so Sebastian and Hero search for […]
Where the Dead Lie, Audiobook (2017) C.S. Harris narrated by Davina Porter (Sebastian St. Cyr # 12) Set in England in 1812 Content warnings: rape and torture of teenagers (off page) the brutalized body of a 15-year-old boy dumped into a makeshift grave on the grounds of an abandoned factory. One of London’s many homeless […]
When Falcons Fall, Audiobook (2016) C.S. Harris narrated by Davina Porter (Sebastian St. Cyr # 11) Set in England in 1813 Content warnings: rape (off page) Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin, has come to this seemingly peaceful Shropshire village to honor a slain friend and on a quest to learn more about his own ancestry. […]
Who Buries the Dead, Audiobook (2015) C.S. Harris narrated by Davina Porter (Sebastian St. Cyr # 10) Set in England in 1813. Content warning: rape, slavery (off page) The vicious decapitation of Stanley Preston, a wealthy, socially ambitious plantation owner, at Bloody Bridge draws Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin, into a macabre and increasingly perilous […]
Why Kings Confess, Audiobook (2014) C.S. Harris narrated by Davina Porter (Sebastian St. Cyr #9) Set in England in 1813 Content warning: discussion of historical child abuse and imprisonment A contingent from France is rumored to be in London for peace talks, when the young doctor with the group is found brutally murdered–with his heart […]
What Darkness Brings, Audiobook (2013) C.S. Harris narrated by Davina Porter (Sebastian St. Cyr #8) Set in London in 1812 Russell Yates, Kat Boleyn’s husband, has been accused of the murder of Benjamin Eisler. Hendon asks Sebastian to help–not for Yates’ sake but for Kat’s. It seems that Eisler had a giant blue diamond he […]
When Maidens Mourn, Audiobook (2012) C.S. Harris narrated by Davina Porter (Sebastian St. Cyr #7) Set in England in 1812 Sebastian St. Cyr’s plans to escape the heat of London for a honeymoon with his new bride, Hero Jarvis, are shattered when the murdered body of Hero’s good friend Gabrielle Tennyson is discovered drifting in […]
Where Shadows Dance, Audiobook (2011) C.S. Harris narrated by Davina Porter (Sebastian St. Cyr #6) Set in London in 1812 When Paul Gibson purchases his latest cadaver for research, he discovers the young man, Alexander Ross, did not die of a weak heart, but was instead murdered. Unable to report the discovery that his stolen […]
What Remains of Heaven, Audio Book (2009/2016) C.S. Harris narrated by Davina Porter (Sebastian St. Cyr #5) Set in England in 1812. When the controversial, reform-minded Bishop of London is found bludgeoned to death in an ancient crypt beside the corpse of an unidentified man murdered decades before, Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin, is asked […]
Murder at Midnight (2023) Katharine Schellman (Lily Adler) Set in England in 1816 The fourth Lily Adler book finds her at a house party with her late husband’s family, Matthew Spenser, and the Hartleys. Lily had always found their custom of calling each other by their middle names—the names chosen by their mother, rather than […]
Death at the Manor (2022) Katharine Schellman (Lily Adler) Set in England in 1815. Jack’s ship is repaired and ready to return to see, and Lily is headed to the country to visit her aunt. “Will you write me?” “Of course. I shall tell you how revered I am aboard ship and how no one […]
Silence in the Library (2021) Katharine Schellman (Lily Adler) Set in London in 1815 Lily Adler has slowly getting back into life in London, when she received an unexpected visitor: her father. The man disapproves of absolutely everything she does–and isn’t quiet about his opinions. Although she doesn’t appreciate his demands or her presence, she […]
The Body in the Garden (2020) Katharine Schellman Set in England in 1815. Lily Adler has returned to London in an attempt to restart her life after the loss of her husband. Lily had to take a deep breath before she could respond. It had been two years, but her chest still clenched almost too […]
A Dangerous Madness (2014) Michelle Diener (Regency London) Set in England in 1812 Phoebe’s betrothed’s forceful whisper was as loud as her soft-spoken question, but she bit her tongue. She wondered what her tongue would look like after they’d spent a lifetime together. Maybe one day she’d bite it in half. She ached to break […]