
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Devil Bones

Friday, September 18, 2009

Devil Bones (2008) Kathy Reichs

devil_bonesTempe is back in Charlotte NC, teaching and working for the local medical examiner. The discovery of a human skull in the basement of a house being renovated leads to rumors about satanic cults. Unfortunately for everyone involved, events spiral out of control from there.

First things first. I am beginning to feel like the Ryan Tempe saga WILL NEVER END. The only good thing I have to say on that front is that I didn’t have to listen to endless descriptions of how good looking Ryan is this book. Unfortunately, that’s the only good thing I have to say about it.

I’m beginning to think they deserve each other, since neither of them seems to have an ability to commit. Or even have a clue what they really want, for that matter.


Regarding the mystery, it was interesting, though not her best.

There was, however, one thing I particularly liked.

SPOILER (rot13)
V gubhtug gur Grzcr tbvat ba n oraqre naq gur pbafrdhraprf gurerbs jnf irel jryy qbar. Fur eblnyyl fperjrq hc, naq fur cnvq gur pbafrdhraprf sbe vg. Ure snyy jnf pbzcyrgryl harkcrpgrq, lrg nyfb pbzcyrgryl haqrefgnaqnoyr.

Nobhg gur bayl pbzcynvag V unir vf gung fur qvqa’g gryy Elna nobhg ure qbjasnyy. Gurl jrer orvat nyy ubarfg naq fuvg, lrg fur znantrq gb xrrc gung bar frperg? Ab jbaqre gurl pna’g fbeg gurve eryngvbafuvc bhg. Nqqvgvbanyyl, ure novyvgl gb nqzvg ure oraqre gb Elna qvqa’g frrz gb obqr jryy sbe ure shgher fboevrgl.

V’z abg fnlvat V frr gur fgbel tbvat va gung qverpgvba va gur shgher, V’z whfg fnlvat gung vs Grzcr jnf n erny crefba, V’q or jbeevrq nobhg ure pbagvahrq fboevrgl.

So although the story was in some ways disappointing, I did like other parts very well.

And I’m really sick of her ability to make up her mind about her love life.
Rating: 6/10

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