
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

White Trash Warlock

Thursday, February 4, 2021

White Trash Warlock (2020) David R. Slayton (Adam Binder)

White Trash WarlockThis… did not end as cleanly as I was hoping it would.

Adam Binder has the sight. It hasn’t done him much good in his life, what with his brother helping to put him in an institution when he was a teen, and it not being very helpful for bringing in a paycheck. But he does try to do some good with his life now.

Adam had grown up talking to invisible people. It had been so easy to convince their mother to sign the papers, to commit Adam to Liberty House, to walk away and start over.

Robert / Bobby, the brother who talked their mother into having Adam put into Liberty House, got out of Guthrie as fast as he could, going to medical school, and trying to build himself a life nothing like the one in which he grew up.

Aside from not ending as cleanly as I would have liked, this was a surprisingly good story, which took multiple twists and turns. And there were lots of little bits I very much enjoyed.

The parking meters had mouths where their coin slots should be. They undulated like hungry snakes, begging for coins. … He fed the meter a few quarters. Contented, it tried to lick his face before closing its eyes and drifting to sleep like a cat in the sun.

I very much enjoyed the story, really liked the twists and turns, and definitely want to read the next book–whenever it is that it comes out.

Publisher : Blackstone Publishing
Rating: 8/10


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