
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Bad for the Boss

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Bad for the Boss (2017) Talia Hibbert

Bad for the Boss

He turned to his right and found a group of sober-ish women. “Excuse me; I don’t know this girl, but I think someone needs to look after her.”

The women blinked at him, then at the girl, and then, as though choreographed, they smiled all at once.

“Hey, honey,” one said, reaching forward to grab the girl’s hand. “You come over here with us. Who are you with? Do you have a phone?”

“You’re not giving this back. You’re not giving any of this back. What have I told you?”

Rolling her eyes, Jennifer recited a much-heard speech. “The balance of society is weighted unfairly in favour of men, so anything they might give me in return for the blessing of my time is nothing less than what I deserve.”

She sniffled pathetically. She was probably getting snot all over his shirt.

Publisher : Nixon House
Rating: 7.5/10


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