
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

The Cook of the Halcyon

Thursday, August 5, 2021

The Cook of the Halcyon (2019/2021) Andrea Camilleri translated by Stephen Sartarelli (Inspector Montalbano)

The Cook of the HalcyonA factory clothing leads to protests, and the owner doesn’t seem to be suffering any losses, what with all the fancy cars and fancy women in his life.

And then the Commissioner seems to be gunning to get Montalbano out of the force.

This book–especially since it’s one of the last–was a disappointment. The author’s note says the main plot had been created for a movie that fell through, so he reused the plot for Montalbano.

Unfortunately, it really didn’t work for me.

That’s not to say it was all bad. There were plenty of little bits that I always love seeing.

“Chief, I’m just so upset. I can’t stand looking at the poor bastard.”

“Then go outside. What are you doing in here, anyway?”

“No, sir, I’m gonna stay here.”


“Since his mates aren’t allowed to come in, I don’t want to leave him all alone.”

There was also a scene that showed the relationship between Salvo and Livia in a better light than we normally get.

They tossed and turned in bed for about an hour, then, little by little, fell asleep. And their two bodies— which knew each other well and had no reason whatsoever to quarrel, and indeed liked each other and over time had grown increasingly fond of each other— slowly came closer and closer until, at the first light of dawn, they were stuck together.

He closed his eyes. He had made a decision.

He would arrange things so that this story would never be his. He would disown it, erase it forever from his memory.

That’s kinda how I feel about this story.

Publisher: Penguin Books
Rating: 6/10


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