
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

A Little Light Mischief

Friday, August 20, 2021

A Little Light Mischief (2019) Cat Sebastian (The Turner Series)

A Little Light MischiefSet in England in 1818

Alice Stapleton has spent her life keeping house for her father and taking care of her siblings and nieces and nephews. So it came as a rude surprise when her father threw her out and disowned her, and she was only saved by Mrs. Wraxhall taking her on as a lady’s companion–a position for which she is unprepared.

Mrs. Wraxhall had instructed Molly to ensure that Miss Stapleton’s clothing was ruined in the wash.

Molly has been on her own for much of her life, but she is in a safe position now as a maid for Mrs. Wraxhall, who is uncommonly understanding about Molly’s past.

Historical LGBT romances are fascinating because of how gay men and women were viewed by society. And the differences between men and women were even more interesting. Power imbalances between men and women, and the rich and the poor were stark and–to be blunt–pretty terrible.

“Right. Forgot about that. It must be a terrible shock for fine ladies, never to see a proper cock until they’re married.”

I’ll need to check, but I feel like this story has far less boinking than her MM romances (or even her MF romances), although since I tend to skim those parts, I could be remembering her stories as more explicit than they are. But I did prefer the minimal boinking.

Publisher: Avon Impulse
Rating: 7/10


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