
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Kitty Goes to War

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Kitty Goes to War (2010) Carrie Vaughn

The title actually made me somewhat reluctant to read this book, despite the fact I have really enjoyed the other books in this series. Because despite being a werewolf, Kitty is still a radio host.

Luckily, Kitty does not, in fact, actually go to war herself. She does, however, attempt to help soldiers who have returned from Afghanistan–as werewolves whose alpha was killed and whose pack fell apart after his death. She also gets herself into a bit of a mess when her show on Speedy Marts gains the attention of the owner, who doesn’t like what she and her callers had to say.

I was quite pleased with this story, especially as there were moments I started to get irked with Kitty for missing the obvious only to have her suddenly realize what was right before her.

I also really liked the story arc with the soldiers. The fact that Kitty is alpha does make what she did seem more reasonable, and I particularly liked her analysis of the situation and what needed to be done.

Additionally, I was set to be all annoyed with where Cormac’s character arc was going, until I finally saw what happened and that things had been set up earlier. I also like the fact that Cormac spent several books in prison, and that Kitty took the time to visit him. As I’ve said before, I like books where actions have consequences, and I think Cormac’s arc has been very well done in that regard. Though I do have some concerns about where he’s heading, we’ll just have to see how things turn out.

One last thing–I like that Kitty and Ben’s relationship has turned out to be a solid marriage, with give and take. Huzzah for stories with solid, healthy relationships!

If you have not ready the previous books in the Kitty series, you could start here, although, as usual, many of the character arcs are better appreciated if you know how far the character has come. I’m glad that I am continuing to enjoy this series, when so many supernatural fantasy series seem to be boiling down to little more heroines with super-awesome powers and lots of boinking.
Rating: 7/10

Published by Tor

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